I expected UKIP to be a lot more in this election, but they seem to have been marginalised. A month ago I expected them to get 8 or 9 seats, but today I think they will be lucky to retain their 2 seats.
RandyMarsh, yes, the protest party that people vote for when it doesn't matter. Though much of their support comes from sincere Europhobes as well as protest voters.
But at the moment it doesn't look as if they'll come close to even the LibDems in terms of seats won.
I will say yes, disappointed; but there was always the feeling that an increase in support was unlikely to topple the incumbent in many (any ?) constituencies. Thus was ever the problem with smaller parties.
To break through and become one of the big two is very difficult. Even getting the balance of power is not easy. But I take hope from the thought that they may not need many MPs to send a message and trigger change. After which there is no real need for them.