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Eu Refugee Quotas To Be Proposed.

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Khandro | 07:21 Mon 11th May 2015 | News
54 Answers

What do you think of this? and is it only so bad in Libya for young males?


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So that is 6 Conservatives and 8 Labour Commissioners for the UK.

Is there any record on which way the individual voted on this controversial policy?
Quotas are only a short-term solution at best. The problem is not going to be fixed as long as people feel they can have a better life in Europe. So it has to be part of a larger solution including either better border security, or working to try and improve the situation in Libya, or both.
Could the EU not pay Danegeld to the Libyan authorities to stop the boats at source?
//They are capable of turning back once they've off-loaded their passengers, so why not when the passengers are still on board? //

according to all the news reports i've seen, the boats crash, sink, capsize, disintegrate, their passengers end up in the water and many drown.

how can such a vessel make a return trip? just asking....
Mushroom, // the boats crash, sink, capsize, disintegrate//

So none of the boats make the return trip? Just asking.....
not those with migrant in, no.

those that do go back, decant their passengers into leaky life rafts that are pointed at Sicily. the mother ships are long gone before the cavalry arrives.
perhaps Britain should impose a quote on the number of refugees it creates? Once a given war has left more people homeless than we would care to take in, we could stop?
I hope there's an EU referendum before quota's are set.
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sandy; //Could the EU not pay Danegeld to the Libyan authorities to stop the boats at source?//

That's exactly what we used to do to Gadhafi, if he was still in place this wouldn't be happening.
the more we take the more will come, knowing they will get to the lands of milk and honey, and all the benefits etc they can swallow.....
How can we take any more?

Not enough NHS resources.

Not enough school places

Not enough houses

And yes, which is not often mentioned, 'NOT ENOUGH JAILS'
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Many are from Somalia and have nothing to do with the middle east crisis; they are considered to be the most benefit dependent group and the least wishing to integrate with British society.
With nearly 4 million voting UKIP and many not voting either Labour or Lib/Dem because neither promised a referendum, will Cameron now listen and say emphatically NO?
As rules stand I don't think he can say 'no' at the moment, can he?
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n. ^ Yes, it's only a proposal as yet, not a directive.
another problem could be - from where would you draw these migrants to fulfil the quota?

i mean, would it be fair to take those who had just arrived, dripping, in Catania, in preference over those who have been camping in their own squalor for nearly a year in Calais?
But if the proposal is accepted it will become a directive... no?
"As rules stand I don't think he can say 'no' at the moment, can he?"

so whos laws are we obeying then, ours made by our lawmakers etc or those of the eussr ?

he can say no to whatever he wants
I don't think anyone's mentioned Khandro's second query concerning the age and gender of what seems to be the vast majority of the illegal migrants. Young males, once settled, will be able to bring their wives and families with them I suppose - as well as being, physically, the most likely to survive and succeed. I do not think that life for them is worse than for females or the elderly.
Channel 4 News has just said that our government together with those of two other European countries has rejected the proposed quota idea.
Cracking article by VE hero Rod Liddle in last week's Spectator, Khandro.

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