Boris is an untrustworthy self-seeker who shouldn't be let near the cabinet; I expect Cameron is following Zebo's advice, but he may just be giving a nice job - one without any actual work - to an old school chum.
I am on record here on AB as advising that we ignore or misinterpret Boris at our peril. Beneath all that head scratching and waugh-waugh-wuagh'ing, lives a very sharp intelligence. He WILL be Tory Leader at some time in the future and has all the makings of a Tory PM about him.
// The Mayor of London has accepted an invitation from the prime minister to attend political cabinet. However this is not a ministerial appointment. He won't be attending full cabinet and he will not be running any department. //
Cameron has granted him a very small priveldge. One that can be taken away at the first sign he steps oot of line. This is just the Cabinets way of keeping their eye on Boris.
When it looked like Cameron wouldn't get a majority, Boris' name was top of many peoples' lists to replace hime. Now Boris gets the very minimal Cameron can offer , other than being on the back benches where he could be a trouble maker.