I would be happy if, as a result of cases like this, a precedent was established that ...
Religious beliefs do NOT override the law.
The Courts can't pick and choose, and decide as they go along, which bits of religion CAN override the law, and which bits CAN'T.
Either the law applies to EVERYBODY.
OR religious beliefs override the law.
And, if the law applies to everybody ...
Sikhs do NOT ride motorbikes wearing turbans. They wear a crash helmet.
Jehovah's Witnesses do NOT have the power to overrule a doctor where a blood transfusion will save the life of a minor (if the parent was not a Joho, a child under such threat would be made a Ward of Court).
Sikhs do NOT carry ceremonial knives.
Muslims do NOT enter the UK with underage brides who, by virtue of being under the age of consent, are being raped under English law.
Jews do NOT slaughter animals in a way that is otherwise banned.
You can't have a system where Christians have to follow the law, but Sikhs don't, Muslims don't, Johos don't, Jews don't.
Because, if you do, then the whole legal system is discriminating against Christians. And discriminating against Christians, like discriminating against gay people, is illegal.