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I don't look or behave like a terrorist (at least I hope I don't), but I have to put up with endless buggeration - when booking, when at the airport and when flying. All in response to (let's not forget) muslim extremist/terrorist actions. I hate it - but I want to fly - so I grit my teeth, smile sweetly and get on with it. I think the crucial thing here is "Their Plane,...
14:10 Thu 04th Jun 2015
Would a tin of unopened soda pop make much of a weapon? It if would then they shouldn't be allowed on aircraft. Terrorists could seize the drinks trolley and have at hand a ready made arsenal.
This an old ploy .To catch the visitors in mobile vans about 40 years when you asked for tin of coke or Orange the guy handed you the tin with opener pulled before he told you price so as you could not return it when you heard it was about a fiver a time to visitors
Apparently soft drinks are complimentary on United Airlines.
I am only guessing here,but reading between the lines,I suspect that she may of made a nuisance of herself in other ways as well during the flight.Possibly a large chip?? It seems mighty odd that she should be personally escorted off the aircraft by the Captain to customer services. I am sure he has post flight paperwork and inventory's,fuel loading etc to occupy him. I believe she may have been lucky not to have a SWAT team awaiting her grand arrival. Pure supposition of course. :-)
this is a different tangent but years ago when we went to the dances we tried to sneaky beaky a drink in - I owned a blanket coat with a large hood and because of the troubles here in Ireland we were all frisked before entering but the friends used to put the drink in my hood - no wonder I am bent over now LOL.
As one of the comments below the article says: it was rather a sobering (so to speak) thought that none of the other passengers said anything in the face of the abuse.
As sandy says though, you can't be too careful: terrorists in control of a drinks trolley ... well
My wife did that as a student nurse when she visited the night clubs in Birmingham when she was on home leave from St Mary's Paddington.
"Apparently soft drinks are complimentary on United Airlines. "

Well there's your answer then: if the passenger is paying the airline for his weapon of mass fizzy destruction, then perhaps a blind eye is turned.
Some woman with a tea towel on her head freeloading it with a dangerous weapon deserves all she gets :-)
Dear Sir

Regarding the story about the Muslim woman refused closed can of pop.

What the hell should she expect???

I tell you what, I run a corner shop, and I won't allow gays to touch any newspapers because some of them have that AIDS stuff on this hands.

Same with the blacks. I know not all of them are robbers, but I will treat all of them as if they are, and am perfectly at liberty to set my dogs on them if they ever dare step into my establishment.

Who else...oh yeah...handicapped people!


I know they can call walk perfectly well. They say they're disabled for government handouts. When no-one is looking, they're out of their wheelchairs, doing the hokey-cokey down the high street.

I tell you what...I saw a so-called 'blind' person reading a newspaper the other day!

Well, I assume he was blind...he had sunglasses on.

Yours sincerely,

Reginald F Huntsworth
Question Author
And there was me thinking only a troublemaker would make a fuss about such a little thing? No wonder this country's finished.
Nice to see your chip is growing by the day sp.


The 'chip on the shoulder' card has been played.

Stop the clock.

I make that 4hrs 20mins.

Everyone get your slips out. Who had 4hrs 20mins?

Damn...I had 4hrs 55mins. I knew I should've waited.

Hey least I'm still in with a chance on the word 'lefty' being used.

Fingers crossed...!

Lol, SP, you failed miserably!!
young at 11:18 well said.
Lol sp...

Not a failure in my reading...
Question Author
As I said, lefty, I've been given pre-opened cans. It wouldn't have occurred to me to say, 'Is it cos I is white/big/ugly'. Rules is rules and sometimes we just have to suck them up. Why do some minorities try to turn everything into the Scopes trial?
It isnt a case of tarring everybody with the same brush, Muslims support Islam, their holy book being the Quran, the Koran tell people to kill everybody that opposes them, that is pretty much what Isis and other terrorist groups are doing are doing, and this is supported my moderate Muslims by association and by not condemning these actions on mass!
I've been given opened cans too. Sometimes I don't mind. Sometimes I do, e.g. if I did not want to drink it at that exact second.

There should be no issue with asking for an unopened can. Simple as that.
Question Author
But it's a safety issue. Much more important at 40,000ft than an S Club7 concert, I'd have thought.
Of course it might just be that the flight attendant made a mistake. Oh, I forgot, you musn't do that when dealing with "minorities" must you?
It's simple customer service, something that Americans are famed for. I'd be stunned if I asked for an unopened can and was refused, especially as ...

> “There is no policy difference in serving alcoholic or non-alcoholic canned beverages to passengers,” says Bob Birge, director of corporate communications at Republic Airways Holdings, which owns Shuttle America, “no differentiation in opened or unopened cans, and no policy speculating what may or may not be done with a container.”

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