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I don't look or behave like a terrorist (at least I hope I don't), but I have to put up with endless buggeration - when booking, when at the airport and when flying. All in response to (let's not forget) muslim extremist/terrorist actions. I hate it - but I want to fly - so I grit my teeth, smile sweetly and get on with it. I think the crucial thing here is "Their Plane,...
14:10 Thu 04th Jun 2015
They don't actually have ring pulls anymore :-)
The violence argument does not stack up. If the airline was worried about violence then they would not allow people on the plane with cans, they would not serve alcohol in unopened cans and they would serve soft drinks in plastic bottles.

The only argument that really stacks up is the economic one. They are happy to give you free soft drinks on planes, but they want to restrict how many free drinks you have by making you drink them on the plane. So they open the cans for you, to prevent you taking them away and consuming them later. Please note - I'm not saying this is their policy, just that it's the only sensible reason I can see for refusing to serve soft (i.e. free) drinks in unopened cans while serving alcoholic (i.e. paid) drinks in unopened cans.

However, the economic argument has not been raised at all, only the ridiculous "weapon" argument. Also the airline states that there is no policy, and nobody has come forward with proof that there is (which would be easy to find, since it would be in policy documents, training manuals, etc. if it existed).

So this whole incident comes down to what the woman claimed it is, which is discrimination.
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Anywhere in the world? That's a very bold statement, ummmm.
I agree, Ellipsis, especially as I've never encountered an airline that doesn't allow you to take on your own food and drink.
Good point, Svejk.
Or just 'slash' them with the ring-pull, which is the reason they remove them.

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Link? Haven't you ever gone to a club?
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Been let in, that is.
And been attack by a crazed lunatic trying to slash me with a ring pull?

er let me think..................
If the slashing argument stood up, they would not let you have a can. It takes seconds to rip a coke/beer can in half to give you a better slashing weapon than the ring pull.
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As far as I'm concerned she's a whinging, Muslim, grievance monkey. God save us from them & the PC obsessed Liberals who support them.
If it was a white S, African and a black attendant, there'd be some radically different views expressed, I reckon.
I have to say that Airline's security measures are far more stringent than those of clubs and quite rightly so. At least the clubs have door managers to eject trouble makers.Pity it couldn't apply on aeroplanes.
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Well you'll have to take that up with the club's management, Talbot.
> As far as I'm concerned she's a whinging, Muslim, grievance monkey.

OK so to be clear, if you'd asked for an unopened can, not got one, then the guy next to you had been given one, you'd be fine with that? Not said a dicky bird? Because you don't come across as the shy, retiring type ...
You see my point, svejk?

The trouble maker here being a woman that wanted a can of diet coke.
Was clubbing about slashing in the 60's then chaps?
I still think it’s all about bitching over the ‘hygiene’ comment. A stupid thing to say anyway. The flight attendant is handling the can - removing the ring pull wouldn't add to any potential contamination.
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I've lost count of the number of times, Elips, that, seemingly, unfair things have happened to me. Never felt the need to develop it into an international incident/conspiracy. (might have chuntered for a minute)
A lot of slashing going on the 80's but I don't remember anyone being slashed a ring pull...

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