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No Bikinis On Women-Only Night.

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anotheoldgit | 07:23 Sun 14th Jun 2015 | News
62 Answers

/// A WaterWorld statement said: ‘We pride ourselves in having the adaptability and diversity to cater to demands of our guests. ///

/// ‘This is a female-only event and is not specific to any ethnic or religious group.’ ///

More kowtowing to Muslims it would seem, but apart from that would it also be in order to put on a male-only event?



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when will they remember this is england and we don't have to cover our entire bodies .it makes me so cross ,they ARE making it specific to a religious group .
wouldn't zooming down a water shute in a hijab contravene health and safety rules?
Don't some of these theme parks hold nudist events? If the customers who have hired the park want a particular dress code why shouldn't they have it?
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The website doesn't mention bikinis.

//‘This is a female-only event and is not specific to any ethnic or religious group.’//

That is a lie. This event is clearly designed with Muslim women in mind. Utterly wrong!
Wearing a hijab might be preferable to zooming down a water shoot in the altogether.
sandyRoe, the 'customers' haven't hired the place. This is something organised by the company and it's open to the public - albeit women, girls, and boys under 4 only.
It's owned by a Muslim, aog, so I guess they can do what they like. You could join the boycott, I suppose.
from the venue's own website for this event:-

//We also have a designated prayer area located in the reception area.//

whose god is it that requires regular prayers and is worshipped only by females?
It doesn`t say anything about not wearing bikinis on their website I don`t know what the problem is - there are plenty of women only sessions at local leisure centres that men are excluded from.
Easy enough for those not persuaded to follow a particular cult to organise themselves and spend their cash elsewhere.
That will allow the 'sisters' a place of their own for a week or two till it closes due to lack of interest.
//there are plenty of women only sessions at local leisure centres that men are excluded from. //

SJ, if that were true in this case, indeed no problem. but when the site owners say they will be setting up a special prayer area, it's clear that the drive for this event is a religious motive.
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/// Female staff will be located at the front of house to make sure that no males enter the facility. ///

Can one imagine the outcry if this was announced?

Male staff will be located at the front of house to make sure that no females enter the facility.
" make sure no females enter the facility" a bit like golf club bars then.
Just me thinking...

'wow Stoke-on-Trent looks far more exotic than I thought it was'

A water park in Stoke-on-Trent has been accused of stirring up religious tension by holding a women-only night aimed at Muslims where bikinis are banned **(file photo from Dubai)**
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/// As well as allowing ladies to play on whatever day they want, clubs are also having to admit women to “men only” bars and restaurants in clubhouses, and some are abolishing the traditional post of club captain. Others are even planning to scrap “husband and wife” contests, replacing them with “mixed competitions” in which civil partners can also compete. ///

/// Kirstie Thirde, from the English Golf Partnership which incorporates governing and professional bodies, said many women were unhappy that they must now have the same unrestricted membership terms as men, meaning that they lost their ladies’ discount. ///
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**(file photo from Dubai)**

Just to prove the point, a Muslim country yet ‘Islamically appropriate’ attire is not to be seen.
//I don`t know what the problem is - there are plenty of women only sessions at local leisure centres that men are excluded from. //

But the windows are blacked out especially, prayer rooms aren't provided, and this one also excludes boys aged over 4 years. What mucky minds.
Imo, no-one, except Muslims possibly, should patronise Muslim businesses while a percentage of their profits has to go towards Jihad.(war)

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