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Now Aren't You Glad That We Now Have A Tory Government?

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anotheoldgit | 10:05 Fri 26th Jun 2015 | News
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Sorry oz, we don't want your sort. Unless you're an unskilled, useless, religious nutter you won't get in. Think of it as the opposite of normal countries immigration requirements.
/Well done David for having the backbone to stand up to these European dictators./

If you think that smug ventriloquists dummy will do anything except shmooze and smile then that's a deluded way to think.
It's a pointless gesture by Cameron for the reasons pointed out above, the minute they have a EU passport it wil be UK here we come.

And looking at Camerons progress on his 'EU Reforms' we might as well open the doors right now as the EU are not going to him him one inch.
There's no evidence to suggest that a Labour government wouldn't have done the same thing...

(It's hard even to type that with a straight face!)
svejk; No one has 'unfettered' access to the UK, like they do in the Schengen Area, even UK residents have to pass through control.
Labour probably would do the same thing, New Labour would let the whole lot in and let them create their own little world in the UK.
Anybody holding any EU passport has a right to come and work/sign on in the UK, Khandro. As Nigel keeps saying, 450 million people could, in theory, turn up tomorrow.
//Sorry oz, we don't want your sort. Unless you're an unskilled, useless, religious nutter you won't get in//

Maybe I fit the bill...
...Sending my application as we speak ;-)
You must be thinking of illegal immigrants who can wander through Schengen Europe at will but can't wander into the UK with the same ease.
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We may opt out but as soon as they are given documents in other countries allowing EU "freedom of movement", it will be ineffective, Sorry if I am repeating someone elses comment but I don't have time to read them all.
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Yes we all know (I think) that if these migrants (as they wish to call them now) gain a European passport, then they are then free to come to the UK, that is why we must free ourselves post haste from Europe's domination.
'Now aren't you glad that we now have a tory government?' NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
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You would rather have Labour let in all these savages, after you have witnessed what has happened just recently in Tunisia, France and Kuwaiti?
“….once the country they came from is considered safe, they can be sent back”

Ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !

“..if they refuse to say where they are from, they will be interned”

Been there, done that (or at least tried that). It was ruled out of order. We cannot keep anybody in custody just because they turn up “sans papiers”. Yooman Rites and all that.
Svejk; What I'm thinking of, is that I can drive from country to country within the EU Schengen area without border controls, but not into the UK. The system is there (whether it works well or not due to inadequate staffing) to seek out undesirables, - those wanted by the police or those with attachments to IS etc.- whatever kind of passport they hold, as I say, no one can enter 'unhindered'. - Well perhaps the Queen :0)
NJ; The Aussies say 'f... your Yooman rites, papers or not' and sends them to Papua New Guinea! But they have a robust government.
If you look back that's not what you said, khandro. I never said the word 'unfettered' but they that's what they'll have. Now you're introducing terrorists & criminals into the argument. Not what we were talking about.
Not sure which opt out Cameron used.
If it was the Schengen Agreement opt out, credit must really go to Mr Major who negociated the opt out in the first place. Merely using the tools at his disposal is hardly praiseworthy of Cameton.

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