I am obliged for your link Tony.
Mamy...here is how the Minimum Wage works at present :::
I can just about see the need to raise it in steps, from 16 to 21. When I was a young apprentice, with the GPO in 1970, our rates of pay were incremented until we qualified as an adult Technician, usually around the age of 21. But as soon as we were qualified, we got the same rate as the other men we were working with, if they were doing the same work, at the same grade.
But what Osborne is now saying is that you have to be on low wages until the age of 25, when lots of people will have settled down and started a family. Not of course that the wages for 25 year olds is isn't low as well.
I am quite prepared to accept that a 25 year old and a 16 year old might get paid differently. But a 24 year old, working alongside a 25 year old, doing exactly the same job, will get paid less !
Its as I said...its all smoke and mirrors, just to make us think that Osborne is doing us all a big favour.