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Should This 94 Year Old Have Been Jailed?

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anotheoldgit | 11:26 Wed 15th Jul 2015 | News
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/// While none of the victims were able to recall seeing Groening at the camp, he was charged with being accessory to the killings because he was essential to the running of Auschwitz. ///

Perhaps if they could find the camps electricians, plumbers etc, they should also be jailed?



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mikey In your demonic quest for justice where do you draw your line? The new wording of the charges as amended since 2011 state ," Facilitating the murder etc" According to a lady survivor on BBC news today( Mrs Pollack) there were 20,000 administrators at Auschwitz who were not prosecuted so why this man Groening today? As I posted earlier do you think the the...
20:19 Wed 15th Jul 2015
sqad;//A cell, TV regular meals, healthcare on tap, pool table.....most 94 yr olds would[n't] complain about that.// No, but the other inmates might complain if they hogged the pool table!
Yes, I think he should go to jail. He was a willing participant in one of the worst atrocities of WW2.

There has been a myth developed about the Holocaust and the Nazis in particular, over the years, and it goes something like this :::

" Well, its not the German people who are at fault, it was just those horrid Nazis and the Gestapo that were to blame "

Wrong, wrong, wrong.

As was demonstrated by an excellent BBC documentary of a few years ago, about the rise of of antisemitism in Germany, many 10,000's or more, of quite ordinary Germans wholeheartedly embraced the Nazi line and willingly shopped their Jewish colleagues and neighbours to the authorities. ( if anyone can help with the title of that documentary, on BBC Two, I would be most obliged )

There is no doubt Groenings's guilt, as he helpfully incriminated himself during BBC documentary in 2005.

May he rot in whatever Hell he is going to. I couldn't care less !
Should be hanged!
In your demonic quest for justice where do you draw your line? The new wording of the charges as amended since 2011 state ," Facilitating the murder etc"
According to a lady survivor on BBC news today( Mrs Pollack) there were 20,000
administrators at Auschwitz who were not prosecuted so why this man Groening today?
As I posted earlier do you think the the French train drivers from Drancy who delivered their cattle trucks of human misery to Auschwitz should not be persued and prosecuted.They were complicit and facilitated the genocide.Likewise Polish train drivers and even the leaders of the Catholic church and persons in neutral Switzerland who turned a blind eye to resettlement trains travelling from Italy to Poland via their country. They ALL facilitated.None of them were in SS uniform.

Supposing young starry eyed Mikey who adored Mr Bevan joined the young Labour Party. He had telecom skills and was useful with electrics.
He was cock of the walk with his issue Labour Party's workers uniform and shiny boots with his snap box and tool bag. All the girls loved him and he was proud to be his Fuhrers devoted follower who promised great things ahead.
His Fuhrer (Nye Bevan) who hated Torys decided they must be re educated and those who were scabs and refused to join the Unions must also be placed in "Labour Camps".
Mikey is transferred to one such camp to ensure his BT skills are put to good us in ensuring that transport deliverys are delivered with those verminous torys and familys.Just to ensure security and no one escaped to tell the outside world Mikey is asked to electrify the perimeter fence with 90,000 volts.
Certain prisoners are becoming emaciated and die and Mikey is uneasy and not sure that this is why he joined the Labour movement so he asks if he can manage telecoms at Blackpool for the next conference.He eventually gets his wish but in later life he is prosecuted just because he was naive enough and starstruck into joining a nasty organisation .
One should,after all these years,show some compassion to those who are easily indoctrinated by a bad cause.
Retrocop...your attempt at humour and fiction is ludicrous and pathetic, in the extreme. If that is the best that you can do, then I safely ignore you.
As usual you walk away from the question that is put to you. Where do you draw the line? How do you feel about the train drivers and should they be prosecuted. Yes or No. If not. Why not? If yes why do you think they are complicit?
It is easy for us ,who have never been threatened with death and our families also ,if we do not tow the party line isn't it?
Feldt Marshall Erwin Rommel was an honourable soldier but swallowed the cyanide capsule because he wanted to save his family. He was known to have abhorred his leader's policies also and was caught up in the Nazi mincing machine that ultimateley cost him his life.
Tell me what this imprisonment of 4yrs has achieved.Tell me how good it makes you feel? Tell me if this is a deterrent.
Most trendy died in the wool lefties are anti capital punishment but they want this man to die in prison and rot in hell.
Well lets bring back capital punishment and stop the bloody hypocrisy.
What is your objective lesson here? Teach him a lesson? Bit late now.The war finished 70 years ago.We are supposed to forgive and shake hands now so we can live harmoniously within our wonderful European Union or have you forgotten?
it's such a shame that good debateable subjects such as this turn into petty squabbles :(
This is not a squabble.It is a debate with opposing views.that is what debates eNgender doesn't it?
why do people pick on one person with hte opposing views then, why to people just resort to personal insults? or bring other stuff in?
they probably have it right in verdict, guilty as an accessory and only 4 years to be served.....not an easy one as I am sure many of the witnesses were seeking revenge against the system, Groening caught up in the maelstrom - there's a Jewish woman on the BBC News who has accepted his apology and forgiven him. Perhaps she has found the best verdict of all....?
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What are the personal insults you refer to in This debate? I am happy to stand my ground but it seems .as usual, an ABer takes a powder.I am happy to continue the debate :-)
There has been a myth developed about the Holocaust and the Nazis in particular, over the years, and it goes something like this :::

" Well, its not the German people who are at fault, it was just those horrid Nazis and the Gestapo that were to blame "

Wrong, wrong, wrong.

As was demonstrated by an excellent BBC documentary of a few years ago, about the rise of of antisemitism in Germany, many 10,000's or more, of quite ordinary Germans wholeheartedly embraced the Nazi line and willingly shopped their Jewish colleagues and neighbours to the authorities.

10,000's or more, of quite ordinary Germans wholeheartedly embraced the Nazi line obviuosly millions didn't then?
Spot on.
Oh dear! He was guilty by association, yes. A 4 year gaol sentence on a man his age is pointless in my opinion. A suspended sentence, or even house arrest, would have made the point, I feel.

He was a clerk, that's all. What (if you put yourself into a lowly, ordinary position) would you do? We may all hope that we would have had the strength to stand up against such a huge political and military machine , but most would have had to say and do things in order to survive and keep their families safe. I'm also thinking of the teachers who had, very often, to teach things they did not believe in.

It's not simple - and I am so glad the Jewish lady has found forgiveness in her heart for him. She is a wonderful person.
so divebuddy, I suppose you want a sentence for Mr Groening for a century or 990 years, even though he's an accessory - it's totally meaningless when he's 94 and 4 years is apt (assuming no parole) - the chances are he comes out in a box.

Very American in your approach, I must admit, or in fact, Confederate in being south of the Macy-Dixon Line, virtually all the northern states having repealed execution and these multiple daft/showbiz sentences. Let's see some pragmatism and realism - and perhaps that Jewish woman on the news had it best summed up - compassion.
^^^ Appropos of another answer, there were many, many French who 'shopped' Jews and any anti-Nazis. Several of the 'Cockleshell heroes' (very near to me) were handed over to the German occupying forces by the French to whom they appealed for shelter. At least one was shot. Should they also be accused?

I lived in an area which was near the border of 'free France' and there are families there (in our village) who will not countenance, or speak to, other families.... this continues today.
My boss in Belgium in the early 1980s, (one of his best friends being a German), summed it up, having lost an uncle, aunt, and two cousins in WW2, all of them executed. "We'll buy their cars and washing machines but it will be another generation or two until the distrust dissolves by the dilution of history, as my generation have affected the next one." Perhaps, very true and now is the time for compassion in front of that 2nd generation - unless the authorities directly catch the Nazis who did the gassing or hoarding.
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