The BBC calls them 'migrants' others call them illegal immigrants. How many can the UK take and what will be the consequences-millions more?
The French in my opinion are allowing the young male chancers who appear to be the ones disrupting cross-channel trade and travel are already illegally in Europe. That however doesn't seem to be enough, they appear to be prepared to sacrifice their lives trying to get to the UK.
Should we just let them come? If so how many more will be encouraged to follow? Given that our public services, in the much publicised opinions of practically everyone who works in them, are stretched tenuously thin at a time we are trying to make our economy and way of living generationally sustainable, do we have to stand our ground?
The French don't think so, they want to pass their EU responsibilities for them onto us if they can. What to do?
This is partly connected to this.
What gets me as far as I know Polish workers working in this country
get family allowance.Why is this allowed when the children still live in Poland.
It is not fare when there is so many cut backs for family BORN and brought up in their own country.
If you are genuinely interested in the difference between the words, then 'migrant' is strictly the correct word to describe people on the move as in the Calais 'migrants'
'Immigrant' implies intention to settle permanently, or having already done so.
Given that one can't really know the intentions of all of them then it is safer to call them the former. The 'illegal' bit goes without saying but gets tacked on for effect commonly
No one knows exactly. I think that is the point sandy
They think life will be better her which it undoubtedly will given what they have left
They wouldn't qualify for 'benefits' of course but would end up working illegally if at all
Plainly they should be stopped but it's part of a huge global problem which needs addressing -- somehow
It's fascinating to reflect that they come here while well to do female Moslems go in the opposite direction to an uncertain future in the world is IS
They think they will be safe here
As I say, it is a problem for Europe, but the issues causing them to do what they do will not go away no matter how many are caught or turned away
There was a novel a few years ago I remember tho can't recall the title, which predicted all this
And yet the west feeds the ranks of ISIS in return. Fascinating