To save you wading through the article, which is about "bilking" (making off without paying) from petrol stations:
"The Force will no longer be deploying officers to attend these reports and make contact with the member of the public on behalf of the garage [i.e. interview suspects], unless there is evidence of linked offending or vulnerability.
Garages are able to seek the vehicle owner’s details and pursue a civil recovery of this debt themselves and will be provided with the detail of how to do so on reporting. They will also be provided with advice on preventing these matters occurring. There are many garages across Devon and Cornwall who have put in place measures which ensure it is not possible to leave their forecourts without paying for fuel."
So basically the offence of theft or fraud is not to be pursued and the victim has to make his own arrangements to seek recovery of the "debt".
The police are selective in many areas when it comes to what they will or will not investigate. They have already abandoned all bank card crime. They say it is a question of priorities. Well I would suggest that it is of greater priority to investigate the burglary of a dwelling rather than to look into somebody dressed as a "golly".