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Are We Effectively Legalising Burglary?

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ToraToraTora | 18:30 Wed 05th Aug 2015 | News
31 Answers
I suppose Insurance premiums for odd numbered houses will be rising in Leicester!


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There's not much point in the police catching the burglars as the soft magistrates let them off with slapped wrist and they're back in business again immediately. This even happens if they've got numerous previous convictions. So I can quite understand why the police don't bother.
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We don't have a house number, just a name. Does that mean they top a coin? There was a burglary nearby a few days ago.
//Yes. Essentially.
Watch the domestic burglary figures skyrocket in the next few years.//

Not necessarily, they will probably only record the ones they investigate!!
Those figures do not include the civilian employees who have taken the brunt of the cutbacks. Wothout those, the police become less effective.

You seem to be saying that the levels now are the same as in 2001, so there is nothing to worry about (unless I am reading you wrong).
Do you think therefore that we have had too many police for the last 14 years?
// and crime has dropped considerable (sic) since 2001. //

Do you believe that?
The Polie are not underfunded, they waste money and have a political agenda driven by the University liberal academics that now populate high Police ranks.

Coupled with the point Canary makes about a lot of work for no sentence it's hardly surprising.

I expect in your mad world, the magistrates and Judges not convicting these crooks are part of some liberal conspiracy as well.
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not convicting is one thing gromit but they don't even bang up the ones they do convict.

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