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Who Still Says We Are Not 'full Up'?

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anotheoldgit | 09:18 Wed 26th Aug 2015 | News
41 Answers

It was announced that the number of non UK born citizens in the UK is almost double the population of News Zealand.



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It will continue until there is a great disaster caused by this mass migration.

This could be uncontrolable disease, terroism or simply infrastructurte break down leading to civil riots, maybe even war.

Until that point is reached, and it will happen, then our country will just go downhill slowly towards third world status.

Personally I dont think it will happen for a while, indeed many ABers wont see it, it will be their kids and grandkids that suffer the legacy we have betrothed them.
The sign in the first photo states "UK BORDER CONTROL". Is there much point in the word "CONTROL" being there?
Nice one stuey
I came to Britain from Ireland 64 years ago at the age of six months.
Would you like me to go back? Would that help?
Jenny, your answer reminds me of a situation decades ago when a Tory politician - I believe it might have been Enoch Powell - said that people of Caribbean origin should be provided with enough money to buy a house in the place of their birth and sent on their way.
One young Jamaican woman thought it was a wonderful idea because, as she explained, "I've always wanted a house in Birmingham!"
If we're full up, and I'm on holiday abroad at the moment, does that mean that when I try to come back I won't be able to because there's no room any more?! ...

Jim I have a wee corner spare in my shed for you in Russki ?
да. In St. Petersburg at the moment. And off out shortly.

happy holibob !
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If only our immigration control was as tight as yours in Oz !
I wouldn't worry jimbo, fifeshire is the twilight zone, it will never fill up

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if I start rowing now will you meet me at Perth ?
In the list of most densely populated countries and territories, Britain comes 51st most densely populated,

England... around 450 peeps per kilometre, Scotland... around 40

Where would England rank?
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In the list of most densely populated countries and territories, Britain comes 51st most densely populated,

England... around 450 peeps per kilometre, Scotland... around 40

Where would England rank?
09:23 Thu 27th Aug 2015Report

Give in, where?

We could then break it down into counties etc then towns, estates, then streets

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/// If we're full up, and I'm on holiday abroad at the moment, does that mean that when I try to come back I won't be able to because there's no room any more?! ///

In Russia eh? I wonder if you will be vetted on your return, for UnBritish activities?
Possibly, since I've been pictured shaking hands with Stalin...

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Who Still Says We Are Not 'full Up'?

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