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More Culling Of Badgers

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mikey4444 | 11:29 Fri 28th Aug 2015 | News
23 Answers

"Analysis of the 2013 pilot culls, commissioned by Defra and by an independent panel of experts, found shooting badgers was not effective"

So, if the previous culls weren't effective, why are they going to start again in Dorset ?


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The badgers they missed all moved to Dorset?
There's no escaping all these immigrants. !!
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Have you taken your meds yet R-Cop !
gawd knows, why don't the inoculate them F.F.S.? clearly culling ain't working.
Has culling been successful depends upon who you speak to.

Many authoritative scientists and biologists say that it is a waste of time and vets interviewed in the areas culled say that it has....on farmer said that culling has eradicated bovine TB in hie herd for the first time.

Once again.........scientific review at its best.

Someone has to make a decision on culling which might be the correct one or not.
All the time through a drip. :-)
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Top the drip up with some Scotch then !
The notion of culling is emotive - but opinions obviously vary on its effectiveness.

If the government can obtain sound evidence that culling works, and it is the only efficient way of dealing with the issue of bovine TB, then it should be able to go ahead.

While this fudging and mumbling and grumbling goes on, it will never have support.
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Sqad...I am not a scientist but the figures speak for themselves. They didn't even have accurate figures as to the pre-cull population of badgers, so how on earth can they tell if its been a success or not ? Sounds like bad science to me.

There has been a vaccine available for years now, but all the farmers can think of is to start shooting. As R-cop said earlier, all that will happen during a cull is that the badgers will just move somewhere else and start breeding again.

There isn't even irrefutable evidence that TB is caused by badgers and badgers alone. The countryside is full of wildlife.....are badgers the only carrier of TB ?

This issue stinks of bullying by farmers and the NFU.

I am not a "tree-hugger" by any means. If it could be demonstrated that a complete cull of badgers would wipe out TB, I might be tempted to support it, but that demonstration has yet to be made.
Because they are sett in their ways?
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I just don't understand why they don't inoculate the badgers and the cattle. seems obvious to me but I'm a townie so can someone explain to me why they don't do what seems obvious?
I guess they would say that it's too expensive ..... !
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They can't inoculate cattle at the moment. The only vaccination available is the BCG type. This isn't legal in the EU as under testing, there is no way to differentiate between a vaccinated cow and an infected cow. they are working on new tests to show the difference but these are probably 10 years away from general use
They seem to be doing a good job in the Derbyshire Dales. I hope it's successful and others follow.
TTT, the badgers' parents have all read specious articles about the dangers of inoculation in The Lancet and decided not to have it done.
well they can buy individual vaccines out of the boot of a car in a back street boozer surely jno!
Weel I'm sure there will be some labour MP's and Builders upset by this news!

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