Because Germany has said that they will accept them !
What I can't work out though, is why are the Hungarians not allowing them to make their way to Germany. They clearly don't want them in their country, so why are they stopping them leaving ?
They will be issued with travel documents quickly and efficiently, as is the German inclination, then of course be free to move to where ever they care to in the European zone.
It isn't Naomi, so they should end the disgraceful scenes at the railway station, and let the refugees get on their trains to Germany. Why go all the trouble of stooping these people from leaving when they don't want to stay in the first place ?
In what way Lady ?...these refugees want to go to Germany, and Germany has said that it would welcome them, so why are the Hungarians laying these daft games ?
Some might say that abiding by a system which you are not obliged to follow and which seems almost designed to disadvantage you is somewhat perverse
Others might also say that there's a Prime Minister with, to say the least, dubious views on race, who seeing his premiership potentially threatened by the Jobbik nutjobs on the ultra right, is trying to play the strong man and get himself noticed.
It's a win-win situation for Germany. They look to the world as if they are the most compassionate European nation whilst getting rid out the back door once the required paperwork has been handed out.
You must of missed a lot that has already been discussed today.
Hungary were abiding by the Dublin Convention which Merkel reminded them of. Keeprefugees in camps,fingerprint them,process them and don't just pass them straight through to Germany. This is what Hungary have adhered to. Now Merkel has arbitarily cancelled the Dublin Convention on Twitter over the weekend and said let them in to Germany?? No wonder Hungary is confused. Not their fault. And you want to remain a member of Europe whilst Merkel is the Fuhrer ? She changes European policy to suit her own meglomaniac dreams and mot the interest of the Germans.
I don't think Merkel's actions are seen to be in the best interests of Germany by the Germans, she could be digging her own grave. Remember, they had to absorb the people from the East and they weren't happy about that. Who made Merkel leader of the EU?
Because Germany has issued a message of welcome and is not putting up physical or beaurocratic barriers.
As suggested above, they will likely put up no barriers to exit from Germany...
There will now follow a race to have the harshest social support system in Europe because anyone with high skills and correspondingly high income just hates paying taxes to pay unskilled, unwanted labour to twiddle their thumbs all day, nor pay to sub-educate their children or subsidise their healthcare.
Dismantle all welfare systems and you have millions of near-slaves at your disposal. Fighting each other to make sure it is their kids who get fed, not yours.