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Migrants/refugees Again

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horseshoes | 18:34 Mon 07th Sep 2015 | News
4 Answers
The lunchtime news reported Hungary wants to protect its borders, and that there are now migrants/refugees coming from Serbia. Why are they coming from Serbia? There isn't a war there now is there?


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They're coming through Serbia, rather than from it.

Take a look at a map:
Refugees/migrants making the crossing to Greece (initially via the Greek islands in most cases), and then hoping to get to either Germany or the UK, might well turn up at the Serbia-Hungary border, especially if they've travelled via Macedonia:
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Ah, thanks Chris, I was rather puzzled. I obviously wasn't listening properly.
And that means of course that they are NOT refugees. They are coming from a safe country and, having presumably arrived in Hungary "without leave", this makes them illegal immigrants.
They should register at the first safe country. They are not therefore they are not refugees or asylum seekers.

Send them back.

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Migrants/refugees Again

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