I don't think Conservative Central Office should celebrate tonight. The Labour Party needs someone like this. His views are generally those of the original Labour Party and will attract a lot of people. Polcies that involve spending the money taken from those that are better off than us will be attractive to many who had become disillusioned with New Labour espousing centre/right policies and will win many voters over from Liberals, SNP and the Greens. Even some Tories may be won over if they like the idea of nationalising British Rail and scrapping student loans for their offspring.
10ClarionSt...I am not interested in who yourwouldn't have voted for but you wouldn't have voted anyway. I am a Party member and I was glad for the opportunity to take part in the democratic process.
Good to see you're still with us, mikey. I was jesting about your revolver but starting to get worried. Although we don't (really) get on, I wouldn't like to see you getting all hari-kari over such a trifle.
'Even some Tories may be won over if they like the idea of nationalising British Rail and scrapping student loans for their offspring.'
For further information write to:
Jezza's Corbyn
Flat 5, Ivory Towers
LA LA Land