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Is It More Serious For A Paedophile To Abuse An Asian Girl?

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anotheoldgit | 08:38 Fri 18th Sep 2015 | News
98 Answers

/// A senior judge has ruled a child molester was rightly given a tougher than normal sentence because his victims were Asian and so suffered more from his crimes. ///



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Apologies, AOG, but the OP misses the important nuances of the situation without which no sensible discussion of the issue is possible.

Depending on whether the "Asian" girl is:

(a) Muslim
(b) Hindu
(c) other?

then the answer is:

(a) much more serious
(b) a little more serious
(c) who gives a damn?
ivebuddy - "If a crime is a crime is a crime.... Why does the law listen to victim impact statements."

Impact statements are controversial because some in the judiciary believe that they add emotions into what should be a dispassionate process.

Others believe they are a valuable part of the recovery process for victims of crime.

No definitive answer has been found to these arguments thus far.
vetuste - "Apologies, AOG, but the OP misses the important nuances of the situation without which no sensible discussion of the issue is possible.

Depending on whether the "Asian" girl is:

(a) Muslim
(b) Hindu
(c) other?

then the answer is:

(a) much more serious
(b) a little more serious
(c) who gives a damn?

Your answer divides victims into three specific groups.

My view is that there is one group - 'victims' and the crimes should be assessed accordingly.
"No definitive answer has been found to these arguments thus far.".
The answer's very easy if you care to think about it.
vetuste - // "No definitive answer has been found to these arguments thus far.".
The answer's very easy if you care to think about it. //

OK - I have thought about it, and I am none the wiser - can you enlighten me?
I wasn't stating my own opinion, Andy, I was trying to represent the correct opinion, that is the one held by my moral superiors.
" can you enlighten me?"

No, I'm afraid I can't, Andy.
...much as I'd love to.
However, I'm surprised (pleased, too), Andy, to find that you and I agree in this instance.
vetuste - // I wasn't stating my own opinion, Andy, I was trying to represent the correct opinion, that is the one held by my moral superiors. //

I am unsure who your 'moral superiors are' - but it would have save me a post if you had qualified your initial response with that information.

Ok, so given that you can't answer, but you seem to be advising that your 'moral superiors' can - may we have their point of view instead?
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/// Sorry aog must have read your headline wrong.
Is it more serious to abuse an" Asian Girl" ///

Don't you mean that you interpreted it wrong?
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God forbid some very clever barrister doesn't try and switch this around....My client m'lud is a devout Muslim and lives his life by sharia law, so please take that into consideration. His 'community' wouldn't condem him for the acts he is accused of today, rather they would just see him as a bit of a lad!

Yes it sound mad but I wouldn't put anything passed these potty judges.
It did cross my mind that tis paticular judge by stating the sentence would be longer because the children were Asian...was just after their 15 minutes of fame, or perhaps hoping to set a trend to say 'let history remember I started that' which is much the same thing I suppose.
Past not passed
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/// AOG ,Don't you mean you typed it wrong, ------ how could you ever get anything wrong, Aog is always
right!!! ///

One first has to read something and then interpret what they have read, before typing a reply, therefore my reply was valid.

And incidentally, there is no need whatsoever for your sarcasm.

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