Thank goodness David Cameron is talking sense when it comes to another referendum on independence. I cant get over the arrogance of Nicola Sturgeon her and Alex Salmond have divided this country and I am ashamed to be Scottish she is an arrogant proud conceited woman who is not representing the interests of Scotland.
Young..I beleive in a union ..this is Great Britain..I can live and do so quite happily with a devolved government here regardless of who the First Minister is..again ..yet again..Scoland voted for the party NOT the politician
point to consider .the yes campaign was very vociferous and bullying up here..folk who were in the no camp were wary of saying so because of retribution, which WAS going on at the time..such bulyboy tactics together with the resulting publicity machine put forward a very misleading picture of what was ..and continues to be the case up here..he who shuts loudest is heard , but is not necessarily the voice of the majority...
point to consider .the yes campaign was very vociferous and bullying up here..folk who were in the no camp were wary of saying so because of retribution, which WAS going on at the time..such bulyboy tactics together with the resulting publicity machine put forward a very misleading picture of what was ..and continues to be the case up here..he who shuts loudest is heard , but is not necessarily the voice of the majority...
The funny thing is all the insults on this thread seem to come from unionists
Sorry murry I'm as Scottish as Scotland it's self (I'm lost for words too lol) I was born here, lived here all my life, my clan have been here for a very long time.
youngmafbog are you completely stupid or just trying to stir things up? I am scottish I voted No at the referendum and Conservative at the May election. I dont want independence 55% of the Scottish people dont want it either, Why are you as an English person saying we should seperate? It is not what the majority of Scots want. I hate the woman in many cases in the bible we see God bringing down the proud I am only hoping he does that to her and the scottish people next year wake up and realise what a dangerous manipulative woman she is that she does not speak for the rest of this country that if she carries on the way she is going she will ruin it. But your rhetoric on this post is very anti scots the majority of scots on the other hand are not anti english