I cannot see the difference between Blatter and the Head of VW who went without a fuss. If you're the head of an organisation or company and things happen you are responsible. If you didn't know something so serious was going on then you're not doing your job properly. If you did know it was going on then you're equally as culpable.
And even if he didn't know it was going on, managers and direcors can devolve tasks, but they cannot devolve responsibility. The buck stops at the top. The gov'nor of VW seems to have understood that anad has fallen on his sword (albeit with a wheelbarrow full of money). Mr Blatter does not seem to get that.
Unfortunately the BBC’s Richard Conway is muddying the waters just a bit. He’s moved from ‘being questioned’ to ‘proceedings against’ – quite a leap and there doesn’t seem to be anything (yet) supporting the latter.
Absolutely right that he should bear full responsibility, though.
Nothing surprises me with this arrogant man. He chose to stand down on his terms but not until 2016, perhaps now he will be suspended immediately and the authorities will throw the book at him.