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Roll On Tomorrow ...

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joggerjayne | 13:02 Tue 29th Sep 2015 | News
16 Answers
When the Trots go home.

I hope they don't hang around in the pubs after the conference. I want to go out tomorrow night.


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I think JJ means the UKIP delegates.
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Ah derogatory words at work again awe well :(
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no wifey = dirty w/e :(
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Absolutement, tambo ...

A few days by the seaside, with ... err, the other delegates.
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I think it's all the shellfish, bouncer.
god forbid a labour supporter would even look at jj :)
JJ....Brighton has a well-deserved reputation for taking all sorts of waifs and stray to its bosom.

Surely the Labour Party must fit in there somewhere !
I would tip all politicians who dared to go to Brighton for their expense-fuelled bashes (read booze, good food and tarts) in the sea under the mangled metal called the ex-Brighton Pier, whatever their denomination or creed.
Am I the only one who's quietly surprised by JC and the gang
I feared the worst (ten years of Tory rule) but so far it seems not too bad
Ric.ror....JC seems to have got off to a good start, from what I can see !
Fingers crossed mickey
I did hear (Sunday politics show) that if labour goes more to the left the Tories will go more to the right
Could this be true
Has JC made a decision yet or more forestalling - interesting comment from Chris Leslie on the Andrew Marr show on Sunday, inferring that JC is incapable of making them - and does that include changing water into wine?
teeing up the split from the centre-right of Labour with the Libs, who then move left....

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Roll On Tomorrow ...

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