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One can understand wanting to attract more votes for her party at the next election but one hopes any talk of further referendums is simply playing to the crowd. I know this is the usual EU trick of holding votes until they get the result they want but one would hope the UK was above that. Should be decades, I'd suggest 5 at least, before there is any hint of revisiting the issue and changing the decision made by the people.
I would question the ethics and morality of any leader who wants another vote when it clearly appears to be motivated by the simple fact that she didn't like the result the first time round.

I don't believe you can keep on asking a question until you get an answer that you want - that's not the way democracy works.

They have had a vote, the people have voted - suck it up SNP.
"I would question the ethics and morality of any leader who wants another vote when it clearly appears to be motivated by the simple fact that she didn't like the result the first time round."

I take it that also applies to the eussr then ?...they have a pretty impressive record and its nowhere near reached its pnnacle yet...

we are talking about politicians here...for the most part they are scurrilous liars, all partys...even Jezza Cor blimey...hes already making u-turns, Sturgeoun is no different
bazwillrun - //I take it that also applies to the eussr then ?..."

Not from my viewpoint it doesn't - that is a separate question and I am not commenting on other nations' methods - just Ms Sturgeon's view on this issue.
"Sturgeon To Build Case For Second Referendum"

Shock, horror... No never... You just couldn't make it up
This is so sad. I am a Scot and hate the thought of Scotland going down the pan and into the past and subsequent oblivion... but Wee Nicky Krankie is determined to lead Scotland backwards and become a laughing stock. She still yearns for the Braveheart days. Move on hen, it's 2015 !! Looks like it's bye bye Scotland, it's been nice knowing you.
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//Not from my viewpoint it doesn't - that is a separate question and I am not commenting on other nations' methods//

The Eussr is not a Nation, it's a dictatorial body over a group of Nations, and it forces referendums until it gets the right answer. Which appears to be Ms Sturgeons wish
YMB - //Not from my viewpoint it doesn't - that is a separate question and I am not commenting on other nations' methods//

The Eussr is not a Nation, it's a dictatorial body over a group of Nations, and it forces referendums until it gets the right answer. Which appears to be Ms Sturgeons wish //

Thanks for the correction.

I am not disputing the veracity of Baz's statement - only that he seemed to infer that I was saying that the same situation exists in the USSR.

It may well do - but I was confining myself to the OP, and commenting on Ms Sturgeon and Scotland only.
I imagine the number of Westminster MPs they got due to our unrepresentative voting system makes the SNP think they speak for ALL Scotland. In fact 50% of Scotland didn't even vote for them. Half the country voted against the SNP and they win 53 out of 56 seats.
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Sound logic like that wont stop the SNP Gromit !
"But she said it would be wrong to hold an early re-run of the independence referendum without 'strong evidence' that a significant number of No voters had changed their minds."
Which part of the sentence above do most of you fail to grasp? I ask because it is the second paragraph in another BBC news site about the First Minister's conference speech which you can see here
Surely it’s as plain as a pikestaff to any rational person that the SNP will make future attempts to gain independence for Scotland; it’s their raison d’etre. However, it’s equally plain that she has no plans whatsoever for the next attempt to happen soon. She actually uses the word “wrong” to describe such an attempt and that “strong evidence” of many no-voters changing their minds would be necessary.
Clearly in May English voters panicked over what a liaison between Labour and the SNP might mean…that’s the sole reason Davy-Boy is in No 10…but you don’t need to panic again over SNP plans yet a while. Calm down, dears!

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