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/// I couldn't say, I'm not an ethnicity expert, but there is a large and thriving community of non-Brits living in and around the Shelton area of the city. ///

Perhaps you should have considered that before putting this?

/// they will have no problem blending in here. ///

/// I don't think anyone here can pin down nationality based on skin tone - or indeed skin colour if it comes to that. ///

And no one is questioning that.
AOG - ///// I couldn't say, I'm not an ethnicity expert, but there is a large and thriving community of non-Brits living in and around the Shelton area of the city. ///

Perhaps you should have considered that before putting this?

/// they will have no problem blending in here. ///

They will have no problem blending in because people here do not appear to study others with intent to discern their ethnic origins - so that is why the Afghan gentlemen will be able to blend in.

They will be unnoticed because no-one will be wondering where they come from.
Well just stop and search every non white male in the area or does that make the police racist.We believe they are Afghan fugitives but we better level the playing field and stop a few white males as well.
I would imagine that any legal Afghanis would drop this lot like hot potatoes.As for any other illegals they don't want "the heat" coming their way either so it probably will be no hiding place.
I suppose some here,it would seem, are happy to have these men on the loose as long as it isn't on their doorstep.
Mr aog
Said my piece on your OP. I'm out of here.

Why am I thinking this is another thread about to go down the tubes?
retrocop - //Well just stop and search every non white male in the area or does that make the police racist.We believe they are Afghan fugitives but we better level the playing field and stop a few white males as well.//

No, that would not make the police racist - but it would make their action in this instance racist.

//.I would imagine that any legal Afghanis would drop this lot like hot potatoes.As for any other illegals they don't want "the heat" coming their way either so it probably will be no hiding place. //

I don't think they would necessarily know who the individuals are, or what they have done.

//I suppose some here,it would seem, are happy to have these men on the loose as long as it isn't on their doorstep.//

That's me exempt then, it is absolutely on my doorstep - I can see Shelton from my office window!!
Baldric - //Why am I thinking this is another thread about to go down the tubes? //

No idea - seems like a simple exchange of views so far ...
Anyone wishing to read the actual details of this story may want to go to the BBC website (sorry AOG, I know the story at the BBC link hasn't been sensationalised, but for balance, it's always best to avoid 'click bait').

Here's what is actually happening (in other words, the police have NOT given up the hunt:

Staffordshire Police said: "Forensic examination is being carried out on the vehicle and we are working closely with the member of the public - who was unharmed in the incident.

"Armed officers continue to search the area and are being assisted by police dogs and the police helicopter.

"We are requesting that the public do not approach these men but to report any sightings to us."
Question Author
/// They will have no problem blending in because people here do not appear to study others with intent to discern their ethnic origins - so that is why the Afghan gentlemen will be able to blend in. ///

/// They will be unnoticed because no-one will be wondering where they come from. ///

They don't have to wonder where they come from, the Police are looking for 6 dark skinned Afghans, so to narrow their search down they can just ignore all light skinned persons, so you see they won't be so blending so much in with the community as you suggest.
When was that dated Sp??
Think I will have one more say.If my son was in a pick up and was shot at I would not call the suspect an "Afghani Gentleman" Lock up your daughters in Shelton. These "Gentleman" could rape you next. Now I have heard it all.
Question Author

BBC balanced???????????

/// "We are requesting that the public do not approach these men but to report any sightings to us." ///

That's going to be difficult, since they blend so well in the community.
I can perhaps understand them scaling down the search with dogs and helicopters in the very local area but would hope they have put feelers out further afield to try to catch them.
Question Author

/// When was that dated Sp?? ///

It is old news printed 3 days ago.
Just had a quick look around Mr aog and that particular statement was released by police on or before the 11th.

Sp, There's a straightforward way of determining what is actually happening in this story on the internet. If you say, wrote on AB, "The movie Sicario was released in cinemas last week", you could easily check the date it was released by looking at several film sites.
I have to trust that they know when the point of diminishing returns, or likelihood to make progress, means that resource is better used elsewhere. But every failure to find such culprits sadden society and make it less safe.
The police have not given up the search for these fugitives.

To believe so is utter madness.

Does anyone here think that they will just chuck the forensics into a bin and take no further witness statements?

The immediate search has concluded, but the hunt continues.

Anyone who believes otherwise is...

...oh I dunno...

The BBC is the most trustworthy news agency in the country.

It's why whenever there's a big breaking news story, it's the BBC that people turn to.

Always has been the case, and is still the case now.

You may trust the Daily Mail and/or The Express for pure unvarnished news items, but in terms of the best place to go for honest reporting (ie. real news, rather than 'news' which is simply repackaged items submitted by PR companies), the BBC website cannot be beaten.
//that is why the Afghan gentlemen will be able to blend in. //

'Gentlemen' is not a term I would use for them.

Gentlemen!!! . . . W T F?

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