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What On Earth Is Happening?

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youngmafbog | 09:31 Fri 16th Oct 2015 | News
12 Answers

Why? I can understand one but this is the third such fatality in the last 3 months

And this is the 'West' we ar so keen to convert all and sundry too? Some times I think we would all be better in mud huts.



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Do you scour the news for all the worst sides of humanity then post them here to depress us all?
Granted they are at ground level and have no windows, but 'mud huts' really?
You could always post some happy-clappy stories, vhg. If you can find any.
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By mud huts I meant the simpler living.

No dount this is caused by mental stress of City living.
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I have no solution, that is why I asked the question.
Thats the land of milk and honey for you!
... and in those three months of 3 babies being killed by such means, over 400,000 babies have died through malnutrition throughout the world - many in what could be described perhaps as "mud hat" communitites.

So get a perspective.
Agree Canary, if this had happened in any African/Asian country it wouldn't even have registered on the news scale.
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I've got more of a perspective than you will ever have Canary. Your analogy is way off the mark of the question and any of my answers.

But then you deliberately do this to antagonize people dont you. Get a life.

YMB - //I've got more of a perspective than you will ever have Canary. Your analogy is way off the mark of the question and any of my answers.

But then you deliberately do this to antagonize people dont you. Get a life.//

Let's not get a thread pulled before it has got going shall we?

In answer to your Question, with no evidence whatsoever to go on, my initial thought would be drugs or mental illness, or a combination of the two.

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What On Earth Is Happening?

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