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Shouty Woman From Q T. Labour Plant?

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Svejk | 14:56 Sat 17th Oct 2015 | News
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Her tearful remonstration led me to think she was a ptime dinner lady on benefits.
15:08 Sat 17th Oct 2015

Sorry forgot to link the last post
It’s quite true, £400 is not mentioned.

However, given her circumstances her tax credits could well amount to almost £13k, depending on how much she takes from her business (which I have assumed as £0 as she says she ploughs it all back) and how much she pays childminders. Add to this £3,213 she received in Child Allowance and she could well be drawing around £320 per week. This is tax free money. Anyone working would have to earn around £19,500 gross to see this amount.

It is totally unreasonable for the taxpayer to stump up this sum so that she can grow a profitable business. She might care to tap the father(s) of her children for a little help before howling “foul” at government ministers for having the temerity to implement a slight reduction in her comfort.
So basically, the premise of the thread is to ban Tax Credits?

I think various measures have been taken over the years to help those in low paid occupations etc and each has had its flaws, this is the latest.
I also didn't know she was not getting finance from the children's father, thanks NJ.

The info iis coming in rather piecemeal on this one.
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Too right they should be done away with. They subsidise big business and belittle working class people.
I totally agree that anyone in full time employment should be paid a wage they can live on.

I'm struggling to see how she puts all hers takings back into her Business when that business is run in her front room?
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I shouldn't imagine the tax-credit set up encourages one to declare any profits, baldric.
"I shouldn't imagine the tax-credit set up encourages one to declare any profits, baldric. "

No it certainly does not. And it’s scandalous that someone can gain these “credits” by running a business that provides them with little or no apparent income. If the business is that deficient just close it down and go and get a job.
I don't see how one can assume she was a plant. She was asked to start speaking again because it wasn't clear the start of her argument had been caught. She was making a valid point. That said if she is working at building up a business she ought to accept the hardship that comes at the start. But that aside I'm sure there are many who suffer hardships when benefits are cut, not just those whose entitlement of receipt of them could be disputed. This thread seems to be a bit of a conspiracy theorist thread to me.
I can't see any evidence of this woman being a Labour Party plant whatsoever.

Perhaps our right-wingers need to listen to the message, rather than trying to kill the messenger.

Has it been suggested elsewhere in the media that she's a Labour Party plant?
It's true that the tax credit system is fundamentally broken, but the problem is that scrapping it, or massively cutting it back, will hit the poorest people really quite hard indeed. To their partial credit, the Conservative government is at the same time announcing plans to ramp up the minimum wage by a hefty amount over the next few years, and in the last few years there was also the work of the Lib Dems to raise the tax threshold by something like 50% too, both measures serving to redress the balance a little. But it's at the very least bad timing to cut back on these subsidies for low wages before you've reduced the problem of low wages properly.

That is to say, the changes/ cuts to the Tax Credit system should be put on hold until after the increases to minimum wage, rather than the other way round.

As to whether or not she's a plant -- it's a legitimate gripe, and I'd have thought that there'd be plenty of people who would have wanted to say the same. No need to keep inventing a left-wing conspiracy.

I did have a friend who went on one of the Prime Ministerial TV debates, the BBC one, and managed to ask her about how the audience was chosen. Apparently it was split essentially evenly between four positions: Labour, Tory, Lib Dem and other/ undecided. In the event this massively over-represented the Lib Dem support at the election proper, but it's not an unreasonable way to have chosen to split an audience at the time. If similar policies are in place today then I don't see how it's cause for bias -- more, just an indication that the left tend to be a little louder.
I'm puzzled why in her situation she would vote Conservative.

turkey voting for Christmas!
Tax credits to bolster private businesses? Thats new to me - how can I apply?
Talbot...(19:51)....a very good point !
I missed that point at (19.51) mikey. I must pay closer attention. :-)
Its a good job that there are people like you around, when I make a typo
Retro ! What an eagle-eyed chap you are !

I can't comment on the "shouty" bit as the volume on my laptop is kaput.
It may have been damaged when it fell of the back of the lorry.

Oi don't you be blaming me, mrs overdue, I put it on safely ;-)

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