Hypognosis, // I do find it an unattractive idea because, the minute the possibility of 'seeding' of life on earth is opened up, we are instantly robbed of all hope of working out how abiogenesis happened *here*.//
I have been accused here, quite wrongly, of “wanting it to be true”, or words to that effect, but it’s clear from this discussion that some very much want it to be untrue. I seek only the truth and should it eventually transpire that the truth contradicts my current suspicions, so be it. Since it’s evident that the ‘gods’ were not what they claimed to be, nor whom their various adherents claim them to have been, my primary interest is in the advent of the various religions. When viewed in the light of current knowledge the plethora of ‘evidence’ bequeathed to us by our predecessors appears to indicate exceedingly graphically that something other than ‘supernatural’ gods was present on earth in the dim and distant past and, therefore, in honest pursuit of the truth, I feel that this suggestion warrants rather more than instant dismissal. That is the crux of my argument.