Quizzes & Puzzles58 mins ago
£15000 For A C
http:// www.huf fington post.co .uk/201 5/11/12 /tory-m p-wante d-his-n ame-to- look-di fferent -on-par liament s-websi te-it-w ould-co st-1500 0_n_854 5520.ht ml?utm_ hp_ref= uk-poli tics&am p;ir=UK +Politi cs
Tory MP Karl McCartney wanted his name to look different (a superscript C instead of the usual lowercase)on parliament's website and it could cost as much as £15,000.
When the request was first made in 2013, £422.50 was paid to make the changes to MPs' names in the Oral Questions in the Commons Order Paper. Introducing the change into Hansard, and by extension parliament's website, would cost between £10,000 and £15,000. No decision has yet been taken but clearly the request has not been withdrawn so this MP must be happy for up to £15,000 of public money to be spent on this nonsense.
Perhaps he should give up pay TV and fork out for the change himself.
Tory MP Karl McCartney wanted his name to look different (a superscript C instead of the usual lowercase)on parliament's website and it could cost as much as £15,000.
When the request was first made in 2013, £422.50 was paid to make the changes to MPs' names in the Oral Questions in the Commons Order Paper. Introducing the change into Hansard, and by extension parliament's website, would cost between £10,000 and £15,000. No decision has yet been taken but clearly the request has not been withdrawn so this MP must be happy for up to £15,000 of public money to be spent on this nonsense.
Perhaps he should give up pay TV and fork out for the change himself.
checked the date on the link expecting it to be april 1 but no ...
09:57 Fri 13th Nov 2015
Superscripting the lower c in MᶜCartney is a bad idea.
It makes the letter too small and hard to read. It makes the letter size half the size it should be.
In printed text, rather than use superscript, it is easy to push up the c and keep it the same size by increasing the leading. That means just adding some space under a normal c. It is very easy to do and no real cost.
Superscripting the c on the web is also easy using css (stylesheet). Again, no real cost is involved.
I believe they do not want to do this because
a) It looks bad and makes the name hard to read for visually impaired
b) It is a bit fiddly to do
And Karl MᶜCartney is a wazzock because if he really wants this, he should start with his own website. It is riddled with a normal lower c throughout.
http:// www.kar lmccart ney.co. uk
It makes the letter too small and hard to read. It makes the letter size half the size it should be.
In printed text, rather than use superscript, it is easy to push up the c and keep it the same size by increasing the leading. That means just adding some space under a normal c. It is very easy to do and no real cost.
Superscripting the c on the web is also easy using css (stylesheet). Again, no real cost is involved.
I believe they do not want to do this because
a) It looks bad and makes the name hard to read for visually impaired
b) It is a bit fiddly to do
And Karl MᶜCartney is a wazzock because if he really wants this, he should start with his own website. It is riddled with a normal lower c throughout.
Gromit, in old newspapers I've browsed through (usually 19th-century ones) they often used an apostrophe: M'Cartney. Sometimes even the single open-quote mark shaped like a little 6, which was quite close to a superscript c. I could never tell if that was a proper spelling or just a typographical shortcut, but it seems to have given way to McCartney long ago.
With metal type, they either had to have a scottish c as a special character, or they used a c from another smaller font and boosted it with a little metal lead block underneath it. The term leading referred to the thin strip of lead metal between the lines. If they used an ' for the c, they either didn't have the scottish c character or smaller sized c.
With hot metal, the compositor used to have a huge keyboard with all the extended characters as well.
With metal type, they either had to have a scottish c as a special character, or they used a c from another smaller font and boosted it with a little metal lead block underneath it. The term leading referred to the thin strip of lead metal between the lines. If they used an ' for the c, they either didn't have the scottish c character or smaller sized c.
With hot metal, the compositor used to have a huge keyboard with all the extended characters as well.
it could have been either, Gromit; I can imagine comps didn't want to spend their evenings fossicking round for special characters (which is a nuisance even now, on Word). The one thing they didn't seem to do much was the modern one of using a standard small c.
Given that McCartney barely uses the superscript on his own website, as you point out, it suggests that using one is really more of a trade name or brand logo of some sort, like eBay rather than Ebay. I think Hansard are entitled to tell hm to take a hike, but I'm not convinced by the argument that it's because it will cost too much.
Given that McCartney barely uses the superscript on his own website, as you point out, it suggests that using one is really more of a trade name or brand logo of some sort, like eBay rather than Ebay. I think Hansard are entitled to tell hm to take a hike, but I'm not convinced by the argument that it's because it will cost too much.
Cold metal type. Each letter was precast and position by hand
https:/ /en.wik ipedia. org/wik i/Types etting# /media/ File:Me tal_mov able_ty pe.jpg
Hot metal. The compositors had an extended keyboard for special characters such as the Scottish c.
http:// static1 .square space.c om/stat ic/54a7 0c77e4b 010b9ae 29482b/ 54c1802 3e4b068 8a8814a eb5/54c 1876fe4 b043776 a05d3fa /142360 7736380 /Bill+B urgess. jpg
Hot metal. The compositors had an extended keyboard for special characters such as the Scottish c.
The raised lower c is a pain.
Look at the McCain's logo and strapline for example.
https:/ /ithink iaminte resting .files. wordpre ss.com/ 2008/09 /mccain _logo.j pg
And their new logo
http:// vignett e4.wiki a.nocoo kie.net /logope dia/ima ges/c/c 8/McCai n_logo. png/rev ision/l atest?c b=20140 6212230 26
Look at the McCain's logo and strapline for example.
And their new logo