Unfortunately, as Mikey suggests, it is impossible to prevent such atrocities.
What annoys me though is that the threat from Islamic extremists has been evident for some time. Yet STILL Europe allows tens of thousands of Muslims to enter the EU week after week to be allowed unfettered access to all areas. It may be true (though nobody knows for sure) that the vast majority of Muslims allegedly fleeing to safety are not terrorists. However, as these events have shown, some of them are. The terrorists must be laughing all the way to heaven at Europe’s utter stupidity. Yes many of those involved in terrorism have been in Europe for some time. But that’s no reason to increase the threat by allowing still more in.
I notice that M. Hollande was quickly “whisked away to safety” from his seat in the VIP Box at the Stade de France. Around 130 (and counting) others across Paris were not so lucky. No doubt had this happened in Germany Frau Merkel (who foolishly announced that Germany would welcome allcomers during the summer) would be similarly treated. These politicians need to understand that Europe is under invasion. Not exclusively by terrorists I accept, but the effect is profound and events like this make people wonder just what their politicians are playing at.
The root of all this is European nations (together with the US) interfering in countries that should not be their concern, trying to impose “democracy” on those nations when they clearly are not equipped to deal with it. They should mind their own business. Having said that, I’m not entirely sure that events such as this would not have happened even if Iraq, Libya, Egypt, Syria and all the other hell holes in the Middle East had not been subject to the West’s interference.
The terrorists will not ultimately win (if indeed they know what their objectives are). But they will inflict enormous damage in the meantime. I am a little tired of hearing about how “peace loving” most Muslims are. Many of them may be, but a significant number are not and when you know that Grizzly Bears may bite you (even though some of them may be as harmless as Yogi Bear and Boo-Boo) you don’t allow more Grizzly Bears into your lounge.