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What Can The Civilised World Do About Islam?

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ToraToraTora | 12:51 Sun 15th Nov 2015 | News
86 Answers
They pledge death or conversion, so at some point the human race is going to have to deal with this problem, is some sort of apocalypse inevitable?


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yes we can sp, the world's full of it, the US is self sufficient, Europe could be, stop buying their oil and send them back to the dark ages where they belong.

It's always struck me as strange that these sites, or rather access to these sites cannot be curtailed.

Is it a technology issue (i.e. ISPs literally cannot block access to sites in 'the dark web') or an ideology issue ('all information on the web should be freely available and no government should 'censor' web content).

I wholly don't agree with the second premise, because violent pornography should not be available to anyone, so why should radicalising content be available.

And I don't believe that there aren't technological solutions that can't be implemented.
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TOR dark web, not possible to control it SP. ISP's can take down the obvious but it's anarchy really.

Okay - let's now get to practicalities.

/// Islam is banned in the UK. The Government orders that all those who follow Islam must either convert to another religion, give Islam or leave the country. ///

/// How long should the conversion period be? ///

/// Perhaps five years? ///

/// If a percentage of Muslims refuse to convert, what should we do then? ///

/// I can only think that deportation or internment is the answer to your solution. ///

/// If we deport Muslims who refuse to convert, I assume an Act of Parliament would need to be drafted to seize all property and businesses owned by the deportees. ///

/// Who gets the money from the sale of Muslim-owned properties and businesses? ///

They are your words, the only true ones are the first six, all the other stipulations and assumptions are yours alone.

The US isn't self-sufficient yet, although it's predicted that it will in a few years.

The problem is - even if the US is self sufficient, it relies heavily on 'tight oil' - oil is is more difficult to extract and therefore more expensive than oil from the Middle East.

If you take the ME out of the equation, we will still be paying more for all oil based products, because of supply and demand.

Also, just because the US is self-sufficient, doesn't mean we (or the rest of the world) will be!

Supply and demand will bite us on the ***.
That final word was the thing that you sit on that rhymes with 'farce'.

Ah...thank you for getting back to the point at hand.

Yes - I'm extrapolating to work out the practicalities, and indeed the scenario I lay out may not come to be.

But what other scenarios are likely?

If we stop buying oil from the ME, we would need to ramp up our reliance on alternative energy solutions - it would have to be a combination of nuclear, coal and natural energy.

I'm neither for or against that as a solution, because I don't know enough about the upsides/downsides.
As ISILs assets are $2 trillion it would seem they need oil (30%) more than the West. When Hitler needed oil for his war machine he went for Russia and Eastern European countries for his supplies but was denied much of it.
Seems like the West should either seize or disable Arab oil production. It would seem without Western technology the Arabs couldn't find a gas leak with a candle let alone oil. No oil and the M.E. go back to the stoneage. No oil=No money =No armaments and the ability to commit terror.
Lets get on with Frackin in the UK and Up the assets of the Arabs who finance ISIL.

/// I have no idea why its so difficult to shut down extremist sites. ///

Some of us on AnswerBank's News Site have been described as Right-Wing Extremists.

So you are not suggesting that AnswerBank be 'shut down' surely?
This is a genuinely interesting thread...but unfortunately, I'm in charge of the Sunday roast this weekend, so have to bow out, because there's a raw chicken in our kitchen that needs a right good stuffing.

Will step back in later.
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SP, managing without middle eastern oil would be an inconvenience but a price worth paying to stop funding terrorists.

/// I'm going to ignore your posts for a while, because I'm engaging in a really interesting debate, and you're not bringing anything to it. ///

Obviously you cannot come up with an answer to my posts, incidentally each one has addressed most of your points raised.

/// When you decide to talk to me about what I'm saying instead of attacking me, I'll get back to you. ///

///Deal ///

No Deal, because I have not attacked you, except to have a different opinion from yourself on certain matters, and isn't that what debates are all about?

By the way nice try once again to try and re-route this thread, but this time by producing a long and boring list of products depending on oil, but then it makes a change from a few football hooligans and a 'man' who cannot stick up for himself.
What I would like to know is why those supposed moderate or 'ordinary' Muslims who say they are appalled or disgusted with what the fanatics do in the name of Islam, why don't they renounce their religion and have nothing more to do with it. That way at least we would KNOW they mean what they say!

/// This is a genuinely interesting thread...but unfortunately, I'm in charge of the Sunday roast this weekend, so have to bow out, ///

Hope you are using Sunflower Oil, or even Rape Seed Oil?

Carries on with the "Don't criticise Islam" diversion, on his behalf.
"We wonder how can it come to the heart of man to conceive and carry out of such horrible events...

...the road of violence and hatred does not resolve humanity's problems. And using the name of God to justify this road is blasphemy."

Pope Francis
... is some sort of apocalypse inevitable?

I don't wish to sound like Goodlife but the site of Armageddon is traditionally said to be located in the Middle East.
Is it some kind on Labour convention this weekend?

I only ask because the AB Lefties seem noticeable by their absence.
"...inter them." That's going far too far, AOG.
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it's the hand wringing world cup AOG

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