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My word
//Often the treatment for a virulent cancer causes the host great pain and comes at great cost to the host. //

As Mein host I am glad my cancer wasn't virulent last year. Doesn't bear thinking about if it was. :-)
Why did Russia have to lead the way before the sluggish UN join the cause? Paris? Should of got stuck in before Paris,Russian airline bomb and many other previous issues.
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This is war - on Toyota Pick-up Trucks.
Good news for Assad. More or less guarantees his survival.

Perhaps this will help dave get a YES vote in Parliament over action in Syria.

I am far from being a hawk but I can't see any alternative to getting together on an international basis to defeat this murderous and backward ISIS regime. We can hardly invite them to a peace conference can we ?

A tough decision but a tough situation calls for it.

As an aside, it looks as it Belgium could be next in line :::
'By All Means' does this include tactical nukes?
Why has it taken so long?
Alice....NO !
It surprising Mikey, as soon as Russia got involved how the rest followed, the know for sure that Putin will not mess about, what do you think Tony?
Obama, Cameron, Hollande et al, are frightened to death that Russia will reap all the rewards of any victory over ISIS. So belatedly they have joined in to salvage something.
I think if it as left to Russia Gromit, the would wipe IS out & think nothing about it.
TWR - much as I think IS and all similar extremists need to be dealt with, we need to remember that the Taliban defeated the mighty Soviet war machine in Afghanistan, then a generation later they defeated the combined efforts of the US-led campaign.
We don't call them the Taliban but these are the same that defeated the British colonial force in the 19th century.
Then add to that the way that 'war' has changed. We saw this up close with the IRA bombing campaigns. Every air strike made will lead further down the line to another shopping mall or holiday jet being attacked.
If 'by all means' is meant to be taken literally then they have to include nukes of any sort. If it is not to be taken literally and is just being used as a common phrase, then it can't be suggesting that nothing is off the table. I think common sense is supposed to be applied. Any country will still need to justify what it is they opt to do. I think the UN may have other rules about specific arms/weapons/behaviour which may take precedence.
I hope they don't just talk about it, I hope they DO SOMETHING !
It is hard to see how IS can be defeated by fighter bombers alone, the enemy isn't sitting about in tents, they will have constructed bomb-proof shelters. It will require boots on the ground, which = blood in the sand.
I wonder if Israel, being a UN member, will see this as an opportunity to strike against their perceived threat. Hamas say.
Togo...when have Israel NOT struck against Hamas ? Did I miss that !

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