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Spending Review: Osborne Still Refuses To Rule Out Police Cuts

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mikey4444 | 11:22 Sun 22nd Nov 2015 | News
27 Answers

He says that...." the counter-terrorism budget was being increased and more money would be spent on defence "

Would he be saying this if the Paris bombings hadn't occurred ? ....looks like another Osborne u-turn to me.

But he still hasn't ruled out huge cuts to Police numbers...and this is from the party of law and order !


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Sorry about the link, obviously done something wrong, it was about crime committted by police officers
perhaps they could claw back some of our money they spend on their mistresses
Theres plenty of room for cuts on the Police. Start with the expensive cars and Islington grads who dont understand the beat copper.
Osborne agrees with you. Police budgets have been drastically cut, and forces can expect even more of the same for the next 5 years.
it is a gamble though. You and Gideon could be right, and the cuts will not make any difference. But I dread to think what will happen if you are wrong.
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Could London and Britain have responded as well as France has, if those attacks were this side of the Channel ? With 1000's less Police ?

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