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Abuse Inquiry: Churches And 'prominent People' To Be Investigated

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mikey4444 | 11:49 Fri 27th Nov 2015 | News
6 Answers

Justice Lowell Goddard said the scale of the inquiry was "unprecedented" in the UK, but she was determined it would succeed"

Sounds pretty wide-ranging to me.

Some action at last, after all these years.


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Hasn't she missed out some other councils, along with a certain other religion?
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Its early days yet and I might not even be still around when the Enquiry is concluded ( sorry ! )
AOG not she included Rochdale where the majoirty of abusers were non-christian ( not that I am implying christians dont abuse children)

Actually TBH I regard these as appalling talking shops where the lawyers rake in moolah whilst looking back in time and waggin their fingers

Bristol srugical - £60m
Saville Bloody Sunday £ 200m

I mean I just dont think they give value for money
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Given the scale and variety of people and institutions that she announced today, is there any part of British life where child sexual abuse isn't taking place ?
No Mickey, i doubt there is or ever was.
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YMB...nice to see that we agree one on thing anyway !

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