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Should The UK Go To War With ISIS In Syria?

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AB Editor | 17:04 Tue 01st Dec 2015 | News
97 Answers

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Should the UK go to/extend the war with ISIS in Syria, and to what extent?

  • No, withdraw from air-strikes and other military intervention in Syria. - 29 votes
  • 32%
  • Yes, but no UK troops on the ground - 28 votes
  • 31%
  • Yes, with UK boots on the ground - 21 votes
  • 23%
  • No, but continue air-strikes - 13 votes
  • 14%

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Don't like any of those choices, sorry.
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My choice has the most votes it seems.

Good choice Viv, whichever has the most votes at the finish you'll be proved right.
Thank you.
Will the UK boots on the ground be filled with soldiers wearing them?
More to the point will they be doing so unilaterally or with allies ?
Looks like a dead heat at the moment.
We gained nowt from Iraq & Afganistan wars. Retaliations will abound at UK. Best spend on our home defence.
Thanks Ed !
"We gained nowt from Iraq & Afganistan wars"

tell that to the arms industry !
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What's the difference between B and C ??? Does C mean "continue airstrikes in Iraq?" Does D mean "withdraw from Iraq" rather than "from Syria"?
5 - Yes, if you are sure that the people you are killing are ISIS and other terrorists, and not just the innocent women and children.

And going forward stop creating, arming and training these people.
^As always someone else's fault. I wonder if the CIA teach them the best way to remove a head from the shoulders?

/// 5 - Yes, if you are sure that the people you are killing are ISIS and other terrorists, and not just the innocent women and children. ///

Are there no such thing as 'innocent men'?
I am surprised at the number of ABers who are so eager to get 'boots on the ground', yet they constantly go on about the West's 'invasion' of Iraq and Afghanistan.
I have always lived by two maxims throughout my professional life.

1) the more the doctors, the bigger the b.alls up.
2) when in doubt, do nothing.

Yes, I have made some bad decisions in my life, by straying from my philosophy.

On balance, I Could not support air strikes on ISIS but I have not a satisfactory
Alternative to hand.

This is a time when an MP realises that his salary and even expenses do not compensate for decisions that he may have to make. be frank, that puzzles me as well !
Boots on the ground will result in futile loss of life for British military personnel and will not resolve the issue. Nothing will do that. The best we can hope for is to contain the spread of IS. I can’t see a viable alternative to airstrikes.

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Should The UK Go To War With ISIS In Syria?

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