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Another Belter From The R0_P.....

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ToraToraTora | 21:32 Sun 06th Dec 2015 | News
33 Answers Don't suppose it will change the minds of those who do not want to deal with Daesh but worth reminding people of what barbarians we are facing.


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I was???

Good Lord.
Okay...lets think couldn't have been ROP (the somewhat tired sobriquet used by those who still think that spelling 'Blair' as 'Bliar', and putting "...NOT" at the end of a sentences is funny). The reason it could not have been ROP is because it's not on AB's list of banned words and phrases.

What could it be???
14:56 Tue 10th Mar 2015
RoP is used everywhere.
Don't call them daesh, they're IS.
The Americans have just, allegedly, had an airstrike against the Syrian Army who were protecting a village from IS.
This sort of thing was/is bound to happen sooner or later which might explain why not everyone is happy with our rather confused action in Syria.
IS were protecting a village? I think a link is needed for that one :-)

I used to think ROP (why the underscore) stood for Repubkic of Pakistan
FOCS : I can think of a few options for that one!
Since when have the US been bombing the Syrian Army?
ichkeria- I wonder if you misread svjeck's post. A link would be helpful, though
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I see the Cockney racists are out again, probably to detract from the question over the people they support or sympathise with
Cockney racists ? This thread gets even more bizarre.

The original point of a thread is less likely to be lost if the OP is worded clearly, surely that makes common sense?
YEs, cockney racists. I'm [pretty sure you lot would not be moaning if it was Muslim or traveller terms TTT was using.

He has been using these terms for ages, you must know what they are (indeed SP has been caught out here).

If you really dont get it then ignore the question.
You have absolutely no idea what I would or would not object to and I shall reply when and where I see fit.

Re the content of the OP's link, it is a despicable and barbaric act and I for one have no friends who would think any differently.
Question Author
they all get them they all use them, just trying to be obtuse.

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