naomi24: -"sevenOP. your question was strange because it was irrational. No one is bailed AFTER a trial...As for ad hominem attacks, you are the expert. "
What is irrational about "Corbyn's letter stating Dahir had 'roots in the area' was in support of bail before the trial. What was wrong with that? " ?
< No one is bailed AFTER a trial. > ..... Really?
"But when Dahir’s barrister Patrick Harte attempted to use the letter again yesterday (Thu) to keep him on bail until sentencing, judge Anuja Dhir QC refused and remanded him in custody...She said that now he had been found guilty there were significant grounds to believe he would fail to appear at his sentencing hearing next year."
You are the one who 'muddied the water' with your post
Supporters of Mr Corbyn should be seriously concerned about his mind-set.
//Fraudster jailed despite letter from Jeremy Corbyn supporting bail application//
09:36 Sat 12th Dec 2015
i.e. Corbyn 'assisted' in obtaining bail BEFORE the case went to trial and DID NOT 'assist' in any manner in securing bail after Dahir was found guilty.