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Islamophobic Attack On Muslim Woman, On A London Bus.

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anotheoldgit | 12:23 Wed 16th Dec 2015 | News
130 Answers

/// Muslim woman in hijab kicked backwards off a bus to the floor. "This isn’t b***** Africa," they said. ///

What a very strange thing for these thugs to say.

/// Officers have today released CCTV photographs of two female suspects, who were believed to be in their twenties, following the attack on October 28. ///

Why have the police taken so long to release the CCTV footage?



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"Why have the police taken so long to release the CCTV footage? " They've been busy! :-) "...they do not consider that Blacks can also be racist until it is pointed out. It is obviously not the monopoly of the Whites." It most certainly is not. In fact in the UK (and across the rest of the world) I would say that racism is far more prevalent between dark skinned...
13:30 Wed 16th Dec 2015
Islay...get a life...your reaction shows exactly the sort of person you if we havent got enough of your sort on here already....
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/// So anyone that does not agree with you or does not slate muslims and immigration has to be black? ///

Where have I said that?

It is you that needs help, and plenty of it, yet another drain on our NHS though.
The type of person I am - is one that was raised to see that it does not matter what colour you are.

Oh please enlighten me 'a drain on NHS' - how exactly?
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/// I might - and if I do, so what? Do you have an issue with that? ///

Not in the least, but it has gone a very long way in explaining your responses to this thread.
bazwillrun, //sometimes its hard to decide if the post is really as dumb as it seems or the poster is just on a fishing trip..//

Got to agree with you there..

AOG, why is it so difficult for you to understand that we don't all take sides with one colour or another? Some of us are capable of looking beyond that. This attack was, I believe, motivated by what is happening in this world and could just as well have been perpetrated by thugs of any colour. What is your continual issue with 'colour'?
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/// Perhaps the Police should have been on AB when you first posted about this incident in October this year, as FF has demonstrated ? ///

Try and keep up mikey, the October incident was entirely separate from the one I have posted on.

The October one saw one Black woman attacking two Muslim women, this more recent one is regarding two black women attacking one lone Muslim woman.

You can go for your lie down now.
AOG I would like you to answer me please - why am I a drain on the NHS?
AOG...I have already apologised for my mistake about the two incidents at 14:10 that the the way you react to an honest apology ?
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/// To my mind the ethnicity of these two attackers is irrelevant - but clearly not to yours. ///

Hasn't it still not got through to you?

Of course the ethnicity of these two attackers is very relevant. (noticing also that you didn't mention the ethnicity of the Muslim woman).

Not only by what they said to the Muslim woman, regarding Africa, would not be up for criticism if they themselves were not of African decent, plus also the fact that there is an increase of such Black on Muslim offences, but then don't mention the skin colour or their ethnicity unless of course the perpetrators happen to be white..
-- answer removed --
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/// Unless you're coming from the same irrational place as AOG appears to inhabit, you'll need to explain that. ///

Don't bother Baz, she is carrying around a very big chip on her shoulder today, and in the end you will waste much time trying to get her to put it down.
AOG, //would not be up for criticism if they themselves were not of African decent//

Of course they'd have been criticised if they'd not been of African descent!! What utter claptrap, AOG. I'm not sure why you think I should have mentioned the ethnicity of the Muslim woman. I think she was bashed because she was Muslim - not because of her colour or nationality - and I think the two who bashed her did so because of what they see Muslim extremists doing - not because they were black.
This thread has become extraordinarily bad-tempered, so I am out !
PiedPiper15, to whoever warrants a sperlatt! ;o)

AOG, //she [Naomi] is carrying around a very big chip on her shoulder today, and in the end you will waste much time trying to get her to put it down.//

Now why would you think I have a chip on my shoulder? Not at all, AOG. Simply trying to help you to remove that enormous plank from your eye.
Mikey, rubbish! No bad tempers here, so do drop the halo, there's a good chap. ;o)

//This thread has become extraordinarily bad-tempered, so I am out !//

You can't do that - what do you think this is - poker ?

Anyway , If you do , you'll miss the group hug

^ :o)
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/// This attack was, I believe, motivated by what is happening in this world and could just as well have been perpetrated by thugs of any colour. What is your continual issue with 'colour'? ///

I have no issue with colour it is you that seems to have that, of course this Islamophobic attack could have been perpetrated by thugs of any colour, but the truth of it all is that it wasn't in this case, and it is this case that is up for debate.

Just like it is the fashion to add "other suppliers are available" when highlighting the suppliers of a certain object via the media, surely in this ever increasing PC world do we now have need to add "this crime could have also been committed by persons of other colour"?

AOG, I don't understand why you can't see that colour isn't the issue. Motive is the issue. The perpetrators of this crime just happen to be black - and that's what you're making into an issue.
/surely in this ever increasing PC world do we now have need to add "this crime could have also been committed by persons of other colour"? //

So colour is irrelevant? Isn't that what everybody else has said?

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