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2016 Referendum, Should Cameron Lead The Campaign To Stay In?

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anotheoldgit | 12:17 Sat 19th Dec 2015 | News
17 Answers

And what does he expect to come away from Brussels with that will convince the majority to vote to stay in?



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He expects to come away with ".....something really vital - fundamentally changing the UK's relationship with the EU and finally addressing the concerns of the British people about our membership,”

It says so in the article.
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Care tell us all what that "something really vital" is, because it doesn't explain what it is in the article?
Amongst other things:
'emergency brake” that would allow him to deny in-work benefits to migrants for a set period of time'

reforms which will aid our economic security and our national security.

'strengthen national parliaments and protect the British economy from eurozone integration'

They're all in the article.
Mr Cameron’s idea of “fundamental change” is addressed by the four things he is asking for:

1. Allowing Britain to opt out from the EU's founding ambition to forge an "ever closer union".

2. Restricting access to in-work and out-of-work benefits to EU migrants. Specifically, ministers want to stop those coming to the UK from claiming certain benefits and housing until they have been resident for four years.

3. Giving greater powers to national parliaments to block EU legislation. The UK supports a "red card" system allowing member states to scrap, as well as veto, unwanted directives.

4. Securing an explicit recognition that the euro is not the only currency of the European Union, to ensure countries outside the eurozone are not materially disadvantaged.

This is the sum total of his demands which he believes will fundamentally alter our relationship with the EU and address the many concerns hat people in the UK have. To the nearest whole number, next to nothing of any significance.

Even so, he will be disappointed. He might get a wishy washy “agreement” (with large numbers of exceptions and caveats which will quickly prove the concession effectively useless) on item 1. He will not, under any circumstances, secure anything meaningful on item 2. Item 3 will be treated similarly to item 1. Item 4 may secure a few “concessions” but these will be all but meaningless.

Despite effectively being dismissed at the latest evening get together and booze-up (sorry, “summit”) the PM is already talking up the success of his “negotiations”. Talk of a “pathway” to success is beginning to surface (alongside warnings that hard work is needed to achieve compromise).

As I said in response to an earlier question, the UK should leave the EU forthwith and simply state that following the “renegotiations” a new relationship will be put to the electorate to see if they want to rejoin. The rest of the EU is keen, if not desperate, to see the UK remain in its clutches and Mr Cameron will lead a call for a “remain” vote if and when the time comes. It must be remembered that he has already stated that he will be resigning as PM before the next election and he will obviously want what most former senior politicians want – a nice little number in Brussels/Strasbourg. He will not get that if he leaves as the PM who took the UK out of the EU (an act that will probably and hopefully precipitate the collapse of the entire sorry shambles).

Should he lead that campaign? No he shouldn't. No Prime Minister worth his salt should do so but it's been a long time since the country had a PM prepared to put the best interests of the UK first and foremost.
And in the mean time gag Theresa May, Boris Johnson, Michael Gove, Sajid Javid, Iain Duncan Smith, or indeed anyone with a view on withdrawal from the EU gangster state, and parade the Europhile chancers in front of the broadcasters at every opportunity. Including the grey John Major. They will manipulate the news and information 'statistics' to pull the wool over the voters eyes as ever.
There's one thing Europhiles and Eurosceptics can agree on:
What Cameron is engaged upon is a farce. It started out as an attempt to keep his party together and ward off UKIP.
What he will achieve by these negotiations will be the square root of not very much.
I just hope that his reputation, thus tarnished, will not reflect on the "Stay In" campaign.
He def should not be leading it
There won't be a referendum in 2016 - he's just saying this to try to frighten the other EU Members into agreeing his demands - something which is highly unlikely.
I do not trust him.He is the same as Blair IMO. He obviously want's to remain in Europe and I do not believe he is going to go all out to win these so called conditions they are supposed to negotiate. Any minor concession will be spun into a major victory and he will walk away only to see that so called victory dissolve a year later.
He is no Maggie when dealing with the EU and I believe he will sell us down the river. It is like a condemned man chairing a Capital Punishment debate.
Retro...we may be on different sides of the political fence but I seem to recall that Attila the Hen wanted Britain to remain in Europe, as indeed did Major.

So dave wouldn't be out on a limb if he agreed with his two ancestors, would he ?
Forgot to add....dave has repeatedly said that he wants to remain in Europe, so it shouldn't be any surprise if he is still saying it now. He seems to be consistent at least.
//I seem to recall that Attila the Hen wanted Britain to remain in Europe//

The situation was rather different in her day. I wonder what she would say now - if we'd ever got this far embroiled - which I doubt?
Sorry Mikey . What part of my post did you miss?

//Forgot to add....dave has repeatedly said that he wants to remain in Europe, so it shouldn't be any surprise if he is still saying it now. He seems to be consistent at least.//
Correction.... if we'd ever got this far embroiled *under her leadership*.
Anyone care to put a cigarette paper between Wilson in 1975 and Cameron in 2015?
//So dave wouldn't be out on a limb if he agreed with his two ancestors, would he ?//

Might be a surprise to you but towing the party line is a Labour trait and failing as we witnessed a few months ago.
Most Tory P.M.s in my life time did what they thought was right for the people who elected them and they succeeded.

More than anything, I want to see a film documenting the life of Attila the Hen.

Perhaps an animated adventure from Disney?

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/// Retro...we may be on different sides of the political fence but I seem to recall that Attila the Hen wanted Britain to remain in Europe, as indeed did Major. ///

You forgot to add an insulting name to all the Labour leaders, because don't Labour want us to stay in the EU?

Surely by it's very self, that should be a good enough reason for the British people to vote to come out?

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