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These Breast-Feeding Fascists Get Everywhere.

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Canary42 | 13:38 Tue 22nd Dec 2015 | News
108 Answers
After posting Santa's pic on the net, this Canadian woman got lots of vile criticism from the BFF.

They accused her of being an exhibitionist and trashy.

Why can't they behave sensibly and accept this delightful sight for the innocent spectacle which it is, especially with Santa looking on.


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pixie374, the pain never wore off for me.
It did take a couple of months for me, but never came back with the next three.
I used to do housework while feeding. My son used my boob as a dummy!
Yes it would have been lovely to recline and be peaceful whilst feeding but not always possible.
Maybe briefly-with the first.
//I used to do housework while feeding. My son used my boob as a dummy! //

Oh gawd!
I didn't breast feed, didn't fancy it.
Good for you, viv. You didn't miss much.... in my opinion.
-- answer removed --
^ :o)
Now you know why we have such a fascination. We were either spoilt with them or denied them. No wonder us blokes have issues.
Lol... it was.Much harder to get the boys to stop. Both six months longer than the girls...
I feel guilty now for bottle feeding the it too late for me to start?
pass me a bucket
Not at all, Craft....just make sure that Santa's knee joints are okay first.....x
Only if you'll share it.
Is it okay to borrow a child?
Is this still the News Section or have I logged on to a mother's union meeting?
This is what happens when you give wimmin the vote AOG. They just abuse the privileged. Shame on them all.
Pots and kettles, aog.... there are enough bitchfests on other News threads.

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