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The Joys Of Mass Male Immigration

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youngmafbog | 09:31 Fri 08th Jan 2016 | News
62 Answers
Well Angie, what have you got to say about this?

And once they get their EU passport, guess where this lot will be heading.


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Question: What is likely to happen when large numbers of young single males migrate from places where the culture treats women as second class trash to be available for men’s amusement and where they are forced to cover themselves from head to foot for fear of encouraging their men’s primeval urges, into areas where women are treated, on the whole, a...
19:28 Fri 08th Jan 2016
//German polizei havent always had the reputation of kissy kissy tree huggers and I have to say their current act surprises me //

Well it doesn't surprise me. They can hardly go in hard with tear gas and water cannon when their chancellor made such a show of inviting these criminals in to their country in the first place. It is about saving face and their police has been stifled.As usual leaked information comes from the lower ranks who admit they were overwhelmed but were not officially allowed to say so.
The Met always expect a good natured crowd in T. Square on New Years Eve and no doubt the German police have never experienced these animals before on their New years celebrations either.
//Europe is once again in turmoil, and millions are on the move as a result of the insanity of an expansionist German leader, Frau Merkel.
Berlin’s takeover of the Continent has shattered the old order, torn down borders and flooded Europe with refugees. From Hungary in the east, to Sweden in the north and the Greek island of Lesbos in the south, the local populations are under siege.
Reports come in daily of rapes, sexual assaults and robberies, as the invading army marches inexorably west towards the Channel, storming railway stations and tearing down barbed-wire barriers in their way.In France and Belgium, gangs of armed assassins — many of them home-grown fifth columnists — have spread terror, shooting up civilian targets, including cafes, supermarkets and theatres.
Despite an ostentatious display of solidarity, after a murderous attack on a satirical magazine headquarters in Paris, the politicians have proved as clueless as they are useless. One by one, the nations of Europe have surrendered in the face of overwhelming odds.
All resistance has been crushed underfoot by a heavy battalion of human rights lawyers, equipped with a deadly arsenal of legislation manufactured in Strasbourg.
Some Eastern states have attempted to halt the human tide and defend their towns and cities but were forced to stand down following orders from the High Command in Berlin.//

With apologies to Littlejohn
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Question: What is likely to happen when large numbers of young single males migrate from places where the culture treats women as second class trash to be available for men’s amusement and where they are forced to cover themselves from head to foot for fear of encouraging their men’s primeval urges, into areas where women are treated, on the whole, a little more respectfully?

Answer: incidents such as this.

A similar incident (albeit on a much smaller scale) occurred in Cambridge in 2014. A group of Libyan “cadets” being trained in the UK ran amok in Cambridge committing a number of sexual assaults and at least one rape as far as I can recall.

I note that the German police are anxious to make it known that they have no idea of the nationalities of those involved. Probably quite true; I doubt they have any idea who was involved though it is interesting to note that Cologne’s chief of police has been “placed in temporary retirement” (aka sacked):

Apologists will no doubt point out the pure coincidence of mass sexual assaults (which do not seem to have featured there previously) occurring in one of Europe’s finest cities with the arrival of large numbers of young Muslim men.

For her part, the Mayor of Cologne, Henriette Reker, has called for a “code of conduct” which young German women might consider adopting to prevent such occurrences again. Presumably she has in mind that they will have to cover themselves from head to foot, not laugh or smile at strangers, not venture out unless accompanied by a male family member and not walk the streets after dark.

It has been suggested that these incidents of mass sexual assault are a consequence of a “cultural misunderstanding”. That’s almost certainly true for the reason I mentioned in my first paragraph. However, the people of Germany and elsewhere in Europe (especially the women as far as this goes) seem to be paying a heavy price for the utterly irresponsible policies of people like Frau Merkel. Their utter recklessness has led to this “cultural misunderstanding” because they should have foreseen that allowing large numbers of young single male Muslims into the country to roam the streets was bound to lead to trouble when many of them had never seen a female ankle in their entire lives.

And no, Peter, closing the mosques will not cure the problem as I'm sure you know. The number of mosques is a result of the number of Muslims present, not the other way round. It was used to illustrate the number of Muslims in that part of the world. Remove the Muslims and the mosques will be converted to cinemas and bingo halls.
I see NJ has anticipated one of my points, but heigh-ho!

"// Cologne not only has more mosques that any other city in Deutschland, it has the biggest, could there be any connection? //

if there is a connection then closing the mosques should cure the problem. So lets close all the mosques - no I know ! Lets burn them down !
There is even a word to describe such an enlightened ( light fire geddit ) act - Kristallnacht".

Congratulations for being last man standing when all other Friends of Jeopardy have gone or no-shown, Pierre,
A couple of observations on your post. Firstly, if there IS a connection then getting rid of the mosque itself wouldn't get rid of the problem, would it? (There's a Latin name for a conclusion which cannot be derived from its premise, but I've forgotten it.) If you'd said getting rid of the people who USE the mosque then you'd have been on firmer logical ground. This would have added further force to your Nazi comparison. Which brings me to my second observation: your smears are so much more entertaining than those of your less literate friends. Thank you for that.

But I have a more serious question for an AB polymath who claims to know Arabic and to be acquainted with some parts of the Muslim world. It's this: you imply that there is no connection between the molestation of women and Islam, so can you please correct the misunderstanding of the others on this thread who, like me, think the connection does exist by explaining what the Koran, the Sunna and modern Islamic Fiqh actually say about the the following topics affecting women:

What does Islam teach constitutes modest and immodest dress?
What does Islam teach about gender separation?
Under the Sharia do Muslim and non-Muslim women have the same rights?
If not, then what specifically sexual rights does a Muslim man over Muslim women on the one hand and non-Muslim women on the other?
What is the Islamic definition of rape?
Are there any cases when any of the Islamic sources I've mentioned would condone the rape (in its Western sense of sexual congress without the woman's consent) of a non-Muslim woman by a Muslim man?
The head of Cologne's police force is leaving his post "to restore public trust in the police" following scores of attacks on women in the city on New Year's Eve.
I wonder if there were many Muslims involved in this incident? Admittedly, it was a while ago.
Just read the 18:44 post. EY? I vill aschk zee cvestyons Pike.
Excellent, Sandy.

So in defense of the appalling actions we have

''Meh ...Tommy Robinson's latest rant....big deal !''


''Summat similar happened somewhere at sometime or other''

''Summat similar happened somewhere at sometime or other''

Never! Can you provide a link to that? Go on choose one.

''Summat similar happened somewhere at sometime or other''

Never! Can you provide a link to that? Go on choose one.

er as it happends, yeah I can
Some posters have implied that the disgraceful behaviour seen in cologne would only happen because the perpetrators were Muslims. I was pointing out that that's not the case.
Sandy Roe
Well apparently mass assaults,thefts and rape have not occurred in previous NY celebrations in the Fatherland until 1 million muslims were invited into the country by their Chancellor. Who do you suspect were responsible? those witnesses who were not afraid to speak out said they were Arabic or North African appearance which would suggest Muslims or do you think otherwise?
It's likely they were Muslims. All I did was pointing out that when groups of young men act in such a manner it doesn't necessarily follow that they will be.
Another murderous outrage comes to mind, the attack on a bus of a young woman in India.
Quite right sandy. It didn't happen in Iran or Saudi Arabia.
Quite right it didn't. They thought they would introduce their culture to Europe lest we didn't already know how monsters behave. Well we did already know and it is time we put a stop to them abusing civilised hospitality.Shame Merkel is too dumb to realise what her untermenschen predicted.
Can you believe the crap these half-wits come out with?

"What happens on the right-wing platforms and in chatrooms is at least as awful as the acts of those assaulting the women," he said. "This is poisoning the climate of our society."
Svejk the Biased Broadcasting Corporation does not do news. It is all couched in left wing Marxist liberal speak, that's sole purpose is to promote its own elitist self preserving cosy club. We just pay for it, or get hauled into court. Hitler must be spinning in an agony of jealousy.
Practically, I intend to carry a tub of ground white pepper around(not that at my age I am an especially attractive proposition to young males - the discerning ones, maybe)and I will advise all females to do the same - it works wonders!

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