Yes, you're entitled. I'm entitled to at least try to change it, though. The thing I dislike the most is that you don't even seem to want to engage with the ideas.
With respect to transgender in sports, that is a little complicated -- as I've discussed on the previous page, one of the first (and so far, critically to quash yours and joeluke's points, one of maybe only two or three) transgender sportswomen has had something of a change of heart since. That's not unreasonable, because in sport biological gender is probably more of an issue than social gender. Fair enough, fine, the debate can roll on and while I'd tend to support the view that transpeople ought to be able to compete as their reassigned gender I can appreicate the counterarguments.
What is frustrating is this idea that it's all just going to be a con choice for washed-up men to make to rescue an otherwise failed career. Nonsense. That's no an opinion worth expressing, as it has no support whatsoever, in recent history or in the future. Transgenderism is absolutely not something based on a whim. Why don't you ask people with some experience of it, and -- for once -- why don't you respect that?
And therein lies my big issue, as I said. It's not your opinion. It's your close-mindedness about the issue. No interest in learning more about it, no interest in respecting people's -- well, even in your view of transgenderism it's still a choice that could be respected, while in mine it would be respecting people's personality and self-identity. Instead here, as with pretty much anywhere else, you don't even bother trying to respect differences.