TP is ignorant. I know westernised muslim Men & women holding good posts in our hospitals, council & have own businesses. Some even marry Brits, (god forbid - not).
It depends what you mean by "fit in with mainstream society"
This misunderstanding reflects the difficulty when we talk of "integration"
There's social apartheid, and there's "take it or leave it" monoculturalism and I don't think either are to be welcomed. France is a good - ie bad - example of the latter, in many ways. Plainly the former is also to be deplored. I don't think Mr Phillips is advocating that. I hope not.
Yes. He is speaking the truth - and he is not constrained by aspects such as colour or race; thanks for that, Sir Trevor, it helps. Having said that - I accept that there are some (not a lot) of Muslims who manage to compromise enough to fit in. Islam, if adhered to absolutely, is totally enimical to Western lifestyles.
If when he says "muslims are fundamentally different from Westerners" he means those adherents who submit totally to its tenets, then he is right. Islam is not just a religion, it's much more than that - in fact it's a complete way of life; there's even a hadith on how to go to the toilet.
but like most belief systems there are those that call themselves muslim but pay scant regard to some or most of the teachings. in that respect those muslims are very much just like us, just as human in their fallibility.