Why not TRT?
Would you prefer that someone like Tommy Robinson came and talked to your children instead?
The whole point about education is to educate - the clue is in the name.
Education eradicates ignorance, and without ignorance there is no fear.
Large swathes of the adult population in this country live in fear and ignorance about a faith they know nothing about, save the extreme examples that make the headlines.
If you read in the paper that all Christians behaved like twelfth century crusaders, raping and pillaging their way through a foreign country, you would know that it is not representative of the way the Christian faith teaches its followers.
So - some 'from the horse's mouth' truth about what Islam means, delivered to children open-minded enough and curious enough to listen and assimilate it, untroubled by years of media scaremongering, can only be a good thing.
Unless their parents pass on their own fear and ignorance to their children, and teach them to be fearful and close-minded - that would be a serious tragedy and a waste of an opportunity to build some tolerance, something which is in serious short supply in the world we live in.