If they set up this scheme, I'll give them a name!
After I finally got divorced in France, my ex (had made half-hearted suicide attempts and ended up in a French mental hospital for quite some time, he was psychotic) high-tailed it back to UK leaving me to sort out house, belongings, legalities etc.. Next thing is I started getting silent phone calls, then threatening ones - e.g. a dog barking incessantly then odd words.
I rang the police force which covers the area in which he lives and spoke to them - I was getting frightened that he would simply get on a Ryanair flight -
and was totally blocked. No-one would even go to speak to him and give him a warning. They told me I had to tell the local police force. This is in a small French town - they would not even understand the threats issued.
So glad this subject is being taken seriously now, really hope this scheme gets off the ground.