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Should The Smoking Ban Extend To Prisons

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sp1814 | 21:56 Tue 08th Mar 2016 | News
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Ban smoking within the prison buildings and only allow it in excercise areas, I had to leave my warm work area and stand out in the cold when the law changed, so let them suffer too.
00:39 Wed 09th Mar 2016
Perhaps smoking wings where can only smoke in own cell? That would mimic own home.
Biggest difficulty is of course prison wArders are at work whjch equates to smoking in the workplace.
From a health point of view a ban makes sense , however I think it would make life much harder for prison staff if implemented.
Yes, they're public places - but it wouldn't do any good. People manage to take drugs in there. Also, I believe it is 2 people to a cell, so if one doesn't smoke s/he has a perfect right to object to the other smoking, but it doesn't seem to have happened so far.
The ban does not extend to Parliament and other royal palaces. As prisoners are guests of HM I see no reason why they should not be exempt also.
It seems to be impossible to enforce a ban on hard drugs in prision, so I don't think a ban would be enforceable either. And it would lead to a lot of irritable inmates.
So in theory the ban should cover prisons but won't be.
It's said that some prisoners who went into jail 'clean' were eventually released as drug addicts. If the screws can't stop the flow of illegal drugs how would they stop tobacco getting in?
The use of tobacco is immediately detectable, unlike the use of drugs.
I wait for some prisoner to get legal aid to sue for damages becuase of lung cancer from second-hand smoke.
Snuff, too? Apart from stains on ones handkerchief how would It be detected?
Seriously, it smells no more than marijuana.
Interesting how the use of snuff and chewing tobacco has all but disappeared.
And there aren't as many pipe smokers about as there used to be.
//Yes, they're public places// No they are not. A public place is open to the public, prisons are closed enviroments
//I believe it is 2 people to a cell, so if one doesn't smoke s/he has a perfect right to object to the other smoking, but it doesn't seem to have happened so far.//
Yes it has. Prisoners have a right (in theory) to request a non smoking cell (and cell mate) Also many long term prisoners have single cells.
Yes. Ban the filthy stinky things. Bad enough being banged up, let alone,one forced to endure the air one breathes contaminated by selfish indulgence.
People are allowed to smoke in hotel rooms, care homes, residential nursing homes and hospices which are also workplaces, unless the owners expressly forbid it.

If the smoking ban extends to prisons it could also be applied to those places which in effect are peoples homes. Whilst I detest smoking I wouldn't want to see elderly people in great need of care refusing to go in to a home because they can't smoke.
There was talk a year or two back about banning smoking in the local psychiatric hospital (which is also a workplace) but it was recognised that depriving already distressed patients a smoke would have been cruel and counter productive.
Smoking is banned in most, if not all, US prisons. This ban extends to condemned prisoners who are not allowed to smoke before their execution. I think that that is cruel.
They can smoke in the electric chair though...
I'll get me coat!
I worked in a psychiatric hospital which housed lots of convicted criminals. No way would I back a smoking ban.

I know there's nothing interesting about a cigarette but when you're locked up for most of the day...
I remember in the early 80s lying in bed in a hospital ward, smoking my head off. Unthinkable now.

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