As one of the article's commenters asked: how come Sky are allowed to splash this? Shouldn't it be confined to the security services until they've done their bit?
Disgruntled ex-fighter? By all accounts, they treat deserters rather like we did, 100 years ago.
I can't relocate the relevant article but the same goes for their women. One got tired of being raped, then sold from one fighter to another, daily, tried to escape but was shot while running away.
Ex-Iraqi Baathists taking over? The same guys who shed their uniforms and ran away from the coalition forces? Not likely.
In Afghanistan, anyone with a grudge could tell the occupying forces that so-and-so was Taliban and watch them get rubbed out. The list could just as easily be their list of anti IS bloggers. We deport them as undesirables and IS get their mitts on them, to exact their usual revenge.