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Of course hes right
I have always said my complaint about immigration is not to do with race but to do with numbers.

I have said I am not racist but numberist (if there is such a word)

It is like putting sugar in your tea. One or two lumps of sugar are fine, maybe 3 or 4 lumps you could cope with, but once you put 15 or 16 lumps in it tastes horrible.

And we are at the "15 or 16 lumps" level when it comes to immigration.
bang on
Even today, some people think they can shut down debate using the race/racist card.
I am wondering if some have you read it all.

// The Most Rev Welby repeated his call for Britain to take more than the 20,000 refugees pledged by David Cameron, describing the commitment as "pretty thin". //

Are the above really agreeing with that? Are did they just not read past the headline?
headline should be

atheist says bish is right after all .....

atheist is you of course Kh and Bish is his grace of canterbury
Most Revd is the correct way of referring to an archbish primate

Letters begin Most Revd Sir, but I have to say I have neva written to one. I did write to one of his bag carriers when he quoted " The victors write the histories " that one of the preceding originators was Goebbels

Lower mortals get Rt Revd and the coal face workers - Revd....
Gromit, I read that comment, I assumed the Archbishop was going to show us Christian generosity and sell off some of the church of Englands vast wealth and look after the 20,000 plus, in and around Lambeth palace, the old palace in Canterbury and other sites it owns. (STICK)

your bombs are falling on the wrong area

as a result of bad investment the Church Commissioners dropped £100m - a decent proportion of their money and as a result the Anglican Church paid its adherents ( er vicars that is ) pittances

You are implying they are 'asset rich'
they arent

O if you wanna buy a disused church you still apply to the Court of Augmentation which first saw light of day in .... 1538 to sell off the lands seized by Henry VIII
Justin Welby said the UK must find a way of “taking its share of the load”.

(Perhaps that bit doesn't count?)
well he is the chief easter bunny innit - Marcus Welby DD I mean

and I can detect a reference from Bearing the load
to Simon of Syrene bearing some of the weight of the cross
Right Good Friday that is !
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Grommit; Cameron has pledged to take in 20,000 (Syrian only) refugees over the next 5 years. 5,000 genuine refugees per year doesn't sound excessive, does it?
I know that.
I also know that many people on here criticised that.
The same people who are agreeing with Welby.
Peter Pedant, I didn't say you could use my Christian name! :o)
The church of England is the fifth richest religion apparently.
-- answer removed --
Go back to bed AOG,

The Archbishop of Canterbury and Justin Welby are the same person.
Sorry about that I was unaware of the Archbishops name and thought it was another church leader making a comment.
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Gromit;//many people on here criticised that.
The same people who are agreeing with Welby.//

I don't think I have come across anyone on AB who thinks the UK shouldn't take in any genuine refugees Britain is after all a civilized country.
So you do not believe the 20,000 are genuine.

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