"Even for the likes of you", huh? I'll leave jth to answer that one if she likes, but still... wow.
The basic point is simply that if a gay couple wants to adopt a child then their sexuality is not, or should not be, held as sufficient reason to stop the adoption from taking place. Heterosexual parents may, as a rule, be better or provide a more stable environment, but even if so that is partly because society is used to them rather than for any apparent intrinsic reasons I can think of. Given that adoption is a difficult enough process as it is, it seems reasonable that any people going through with it are probably suitable by their very decision to plough through all of the long process anyway.
Anyway, history doesn't show that heterosexual couples work "perfectly well" in all cases -- in many completely the opposite, although that's nothing to do with their sexuality of course, just that they weren't very good people to be parents. In which case, why does it suddenly matter for two men, or two women?