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vernonk | 08:42 Wed 23rd Mar 2016 | News
45 Answers
What do you think should be done to combat terrorism in the UK?


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What we are doing. Relying on intelligence to pick up on planned acts and thwart them.
Needs to be more than the UK.

ISIS/daish whatever you want to call them have declared war on us (a Jihad). The first thing we need to do is understand that this is a different type of war and that conventional techniques alone will not work.

The first thing we need to do is start ignoring the wooly liberals, although noisy they are in a minority, we need some politicians who have a spine.

Second re-write the HRA to suit the UK and the war on Terror.

Ban lawyers from any legal aid connected to the war. War crimes, if real ones are committed, should be tried in a Martial Court.

Arrest and detain anyone connected with ISIS. Their families should also be detained until it can be proven they are same. All known fanatics and hate preachers should be interned. Anyone who has not committed a crime but is a supporter should be given the opportunity to surrender their passport for good and leave for a place better suited to them.

Mosques where hate is spread should be razed to the ground and no new ones allowed to open in their place.

We need to stop the idea of 'communities'. We should be one big community with one law and one way of living. If you dont like it then leave.

Immigration should be halted until we can get our act together to vet everyone entering the UK. Anyone who has erased their past trying to claim asylum should be interned or given the opportunity to return to their homeland.

Lastly, we need to somehow get rid of the ISIS territories. Easy to say I know and I do appreciate we need to ensure no power vacuums, again easy to say.

There are other things of course, but apart from the usual spying those are the starters for 10.

Stop pussy footing!
My list is far too long and unbelievably draconian........

The Lefties on here would be apoplectic if they saw it, so best keep it to myself, I see enough urine in work thank you very much.
Very interesting post, ymfb, and so prompt. Did you have that prepared or was it off the cuff? You suggest some interesting/debatable solutions but, with our prisons already full to over-capacity, i'd be interested to know just where would you put all these detainees and internees? And, lets face it, there would be many.
what YMB said.
Same as ymb + shut down the BBC.
As soon as a terrorist is identified, his/her family right down to the fifth and last cousin, should be executed.

Why not, they cause untold misery to millions of families. Tit for tat.
I thought this was a serious thread, obviously not.
As much as possible should be done to combat it - but we will never stop it.
I am being serious.
Would they be quite so keen to sign up if there was an automatic death penalty for terrorism. Certainly not the ones who are sending the impressionable out to blow themselves up. This is a theoretical question as nobody has said it yet. It would also save spaces in our prisons and millions of pounds.
Stop allowing them to form 'communities' (ghettos).
Re-introduce National Service and ID cards.

If National Service was re-introduced, most of them would rush off to join their new found distant relatives in far off lands.
By definition, terrorism is a concept, and you cannot combat a concept.

Bush's famous phrase 'War on terror ...' was always a nonsense, you might as well declare war on sunshine.

I believe that viewing terrorism as an 'enemy' to be 'fought' is an entirely futile approach.

Dialogue remains the only way to deal with extremism.

It is no use simply saying 'They won't listen / talk to us ... ' - it remains the only way that this situation will end.
andy-hughes, //Dialogue remains the only way to deal with extremism. //

You can't talk to people who won't talk. These people aren't interested in talking and they never will be.
Yes Andy, but, as with the IRA you could have dialogue with them as they had an end game or a goal which was a united Ireland and the end of British rule.

But what is the goal and end game of Islamic terrorism. ?

I'm with YMB and andy do not agree at all that dialogue will work !
Saying dialogue will not work is all very well - but in the absence of anything else working, I still maintain that it should be pushed.
easy webbo, world domination under sharia and death to all the infidels. That's their minimum requirement you gonna negotiate with that?

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