Quizzes & Puzzles28 mins ago
Falkland Islands Left With No Royal Navy Warship Protection For First Time Since 1982 Conflict
http:// www.ind ependen t.co.uk /news/u k/home- news/fa lklands -island s-left- with-no -royal- navy-wa rship-p rotecti on-for- first-t ime-sin ce-1982 -confli ct-a696 4491.ht ml
Deep defence cuts by this Government have now left the Falklands with naval protection....I hope nobody tells the Argies !
Deep defence cuts by this Government have now left the Falklands with naval protection....I hope nobody tells the Argies !
I reckon Cameron is hoping the Argies try to invade.How that will strengthen his vote to stay in Europe.!! If we needed a aircraft carrier to supply vital C.A.P. for the rest of the amphibious assault group whilst out of Typhoon range of the Falklands he can go cap in hand to the French and ask if we can borrow theirs providing we return it in good condition. He can...
10:14 Sat 02nd Apr 2016
Baldric:"I went to The Falklands in '82, (Four-Two Commando) we had an inspiring Leader at the time. " - Thanks balders for all you and your buddies did for us, I was a 20 year old student at the time. Thankfully for all of us and indeed the Falkland Islanders TGL was in charge, I hate to think what would have happened under any leader since.
10clarionSt - Yes I trained at Ganges - joined in Jan 1959 (19 recruitment) - I was in the Falklands in 60/61 serving on HMS Protector (Ice Patrol ship). We were working with the Falkland Island Dependency Service (FIDS) which was renamed as British Antarctic Survey in 1962. We patrolled the British Bases between Oct - May and then headed back to the UK.
I really can't imagine Argentina risking another aggressive move against the Falkland Islands. They were thwarted once by the British Armed Forces, including some members of AB, resoundingly. The fact that the Royal Navy has no presence there is irrelevant since the first time they invaded there was none either. However, Mrs Thatcher soon remedied that situation.
Last time round Mrs Thatcher had HMS Hermes and Invincible which supplied the VTOL Harriers for Combat Air Patrol. It will be some time before our two new carriers come off the slips. There are 4 Typhoon fighter aircraft,1 Victor Tanker and 1 C130 on the Falklands at the moment.!! plus some Rapier Batteries.
Last time round Mrs Thatcher had HMS Hermes and Invincible which supplied the VTOL Harriers for Combat Air Patrol. It will be some time before our two new carriers come off the slips. There are 4 Typhoon fighter aircraft,1 Victor Tanker and 1 C130 on the Falklands at the moment.!! plus some Rapier Batteries.
This is nearly 4 years old but nothing suggests we have become a stronger naval power since 2012. The report actually includes HMS Dauntless which is not going any where at the moment. :-(
http:// www.nav al-tech nology. com/fea tures/f eaturef alkland s-war-u k-navy- argenti na/
It seems to me (I have also screamed my dislike at all the cuts in defence) that there has been (and is) a deliberate policy of weakening our defences so that, willy-nilly, we will be forced to join in with an EU army, air force and navy.
It was always nonsensical to scrap our aircraft carriers before replacements were due to be in service, but who listened to us 'right-wing nutcases'? The accountants and the politicians thought differently.
It was always nonsensical to scrap our aircraft carriers before replacements were due to be in service, but who listened to us 'right-wing nutcases'? The accountants and the politicians thought differently.
this should settle this 'comparison' once and for all.
http:// www.glo balfire power.c om/coun tries-c omparis on-deta il.asp? form=fo rm& country 1=Unite d-Kingd om& country 2=Argen tina&am p;Submi t=Compa re+Coun tries
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